Serial Killer

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Serial Killer
Affiliation Neutral
Summary A deranged criminal who hates the world
Goal Be the last person left alive
Has Night Ability? Yes
Abilities Kill one target at night
Categories Neutral Evil, Neutral Killing
Investigation Results
Sheriff Serial Killer (or Not Suspicious)
Investigator Murder, Trespassing.


Serial Killers are one of the most deadly roles in the game and essentially work as an independent Mafia. The Serial Killer must be the last player remaining in the game in order to win. The role has the ability to kill one player each night.


  • One of the most crucial elements to a Serial Killer's play is balancing the Town and Mafia until the end of the game. If either faction becomes too strong, the Serial Killer has no chance to win the game as once one of the factions is destroyed they will almost surely find the Serial Killer immediately. As a Serial Killer a player must keep the Mafia and Town in a relatively equal balance until the end of the game when they can strike and win the game.
    • If a Serial Killer must decide between Town or Mafia to side with, the Serial Killer has a much better chance of winning if they help the Town (under special circumstances, it may even be advantageous for him to reveal his role and get protection from the Town as he attacks the Mafia)
  • Investigators and Sheriffs are common enemies of both the Mafia and Serial Killers, whilst actual coordination between these two factions is impossible targeting one of these players even when they are being protected by a Doctor may take them out if the Mafia chooses to attack them as well. A player will not survive multiple night attacks unless protected by an equal or greater number of Doctors to the number of attackers. This also applies to Bodyguard protections as well.
  • Feigning a Vigilante can be helpful when under attack from an Investigator, as this might nullify the Investigator's claim.
    • The only problem with this strategy is that the Town will think that you are either a Mafioso or a Serial Killer, as that is a common claim for these roles.
    • If there is the possibility of a Witch, Framer, or Bus Driver, claiming another role and saying that the Investigator is incorrect can work well. Be sure to claim a role that can't be confirmed, and be ready to provide any (false) information for that role.
  • Pay special attention to the Roles List. If there is no solid, confirmed Serial Killer, it may benefit yourself to stay hidden until it's late into the game where your revealing strike will be the only one you needed to perform. This idea can also work if there is a solid Serial Killer and there are several Neutral Evil or Neutral Killing roles placed into the game. If there is a second Serial Killer, it is important to try and figure out who it is, since Serial Killers win with each other; no matter how many there are.
  • Serial Killers win the game with a Survivor, killing a confirmed Survivor only harms the Serial Killer in the long run; unless they're trying to lynch the Serial Killer, of course.
  • Envision who you think will be targeted for death by the Mafia and avoid killing that person. You want to keep death rates as high as possible so that the Town is less likely to find out who you are before it's too late. For example, there's a confirmed Sheriff and Detective. It's better to go for the Detective because the Mafia are more likely to go for the Sheriff.
    • Do not forget the fact that you have to balance the Town/Mafia ratio, or else you will get found out.


  • Invulnerable at night - (Default: On)
  • Kills roleblockers - (Default: Off)
  • Wins ties over Arsonist - (Default: Off)
  • Immune to detection - (Default: Off)


  • Seen by a Sheriff as a Serial Killer unless the Sheriff is unable to detect Serial Killers in which case is seen as "not suspicious".
  • Seen by an Investigator as owning knives like a Doctor.
  • If a Serial Killer is one of the only 2 people left alive, they win (even if the other person is another Serial Killer), unless the settings are set where Arsonist wins over a Serial Killer is on, or if the other person is a Mass Murderer.
  • If the option "Kills role-blockers" is enabled:
    • If blocked by an Escort or Consort, the Escort or Consort will die but the Serial Killer will still miss their target
    • The Serial Killer will murder any Jailor who imprisons him and decides to release them.
    • In a rare case where the Serial Killer is jailed, not executed and also role-blocked by an Escort or Consort will result in no role-block kill. This is a Bug the developers have decided to leave in.
Town Bodyguard, Bus Driver, Citizen, Coroner, Crier, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Investigator, Jailor, Lookout, Marshall, Mason, Mason Leader, Mayor, Sheriff, Spy, Stump, Veteran, Vigilante
Mafia Actress, Agent, Beguiler, Blackmailer, Caporegime, Consigliere, Consort, Disguiser, Framer, Godfather, Heartbreaker, Janitor, Kidnapper, Mafioso, Soldato
Triad Administrator, Deceiver, Diva, Dragon Head, Enforcer, Forger, Incense Master, Informant, Interrogator, Liaison, Silencer, Vanguard
Neutral Amnesiac, Arsonist, Auditor, Cultist, Electromaniac, Executioner, Jester, Judge, Lover, Mass Murderer, Poisoner, Scumbag, Serial Killer, Survivor, Witch, Witch Doctor