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Affiliation Triad
Summary A lieutenant working for organized crime
Goal Kill off the Town and everyone else who would oppose you.
Has Night Ability? Yes
Abilities Investigate one player each night
Categories Mafia Support
Investigation Results
Sheriff Triad
Investigator Trespassing.


The Administrator is an Investigator affiliated with the Triad. The role can investigate a target every night to determine crimes pertaining to the target's role or to learn the specific role of the target


  • The primary strategy for an Administrator is to determine which players are powerful Town roles and thus have them killed at night.
  • An Administrator may also choose to act as an Investigator on behalf of the Town, helping to find Neutral Evil or Mafia roles.
  • Advanced strategy: An Administrator can claim there is a Forger in game, after he pretends to have found a Triad/Mafia role and has a Townie lynched.
  • If the Triad also have an Incense Master, then the Administrator may also investigate the person marked for death to determine a safe role for the Triad members to claim when on trial or tell when a Town Power role dies so the Mafia members can be more outspoken during the day.
  • If you have convinced the Town that you are an Investigator, you can use your authority to clear other Mafia when they are detected by the real Town Investigative roles by claiming that must be proof of a Forger. For example, if a fellow Triad is discovered Night 3, you can claim that you checked him Night 2 and he was clean, so that's evidence of a Forger and your fellow Mafia must be innocent. If a Witch is possible and the role is set to *not* tell people when they are controlled, you can claim the Townie must've been witched. This information can also throw off the Town into believing there is a Forger when there may not be, thus confusing their attempts to deduce the Triad.


  • Replaces the Dragon Head - (Default: Off)
  • Detects exact role - (Default: Off)
  • Becomes Enforcer if alone - (Default: On)


  • If the "Replaces the Dragon Head" option is enabled, the Administrator will become the new Dragon Head if the current Dragon Head dies.

Investigation Results

When a Administrator investigates a target at night one of the following clues will be revealed:

Clue Possible Roles
You discover a number of sharp tools and implements, suggesting that your target is either a Doctor or a Witch, or if you're unlucky, a Witch Doctor. Doctor, Witch, Witch Doctor
Your target owns a rifle plus a number of chains, shackles, and padlocks; they are likely a Jailor, or perhaps a Kidnapper. Jailor, Kidnapper
You stare at your target for a full hour before realizing that they are actually a tree Stump. Stump
You discover nothing of importance, suggesting that your target is as unsuspicious as a Citizen, Crier, Survivor, or a bedridden Amnesiac. Citizen, Crier, Survivor, Amnesiac
Your target is an excellent judge of character; they are likely a Sheriff, but could also be a Blackmailer/Silencer, Auditor or even an Executioner. Sheriff, Blackmailer, Auditor, Executioner
Your target seems skilled at reading people and searching homes, leading you to believe that they are an Investigator or a Consigliere, or possibly a Disguiser. Investigator, Consigliere, Disguiser
Your target spends a lot of time pretending to be a plumber; you can only assume that they are an Escort, Consort, or perhaps even a Janitor. Escort, Consort, Janitor
You see your target constantly moving between houses, suggesting that they are a Bus Driver or a Bodyguard, perhaps even a Beguiler. Bus Driver, Bodyguard, Beguiler
Your target seems to be highly charismatic; therefore, you conclude that they are the Mayor, the Marshall, the Mason Leader, or the Godfather. Mayor, Marshall, Mason Leader, Godfather
Your target wears a suit and has a number of stealth, survaillence, and tracking devices; you conclude that they are either a Detective, a Lookout, or an Agent. Detective, Lookout, Agent
Your target meets with other people at night, in secret; they are probably a Mason, but could also be a Cultist. Mason, Cultist
Your target owns an arsenal of weapons and seems to know how to kill large numbers of people, suggesting that they are either a paranoid Veteran or a Mass Murderer. Veteran, Mass Murderer
Your target seems to be mentally unstable, leading you to believe that they are either a Jester or an Arsonist. Jester, Arsonist
You find several rare and dangerous objects lying around your target's house, meaning that they could be a Coroner, Spy, or Framer. Coroner, Spy, Framer
Your target owns weapons and spends his nights trying to kill people; therefore, they are a Mafioso or a Serial Killer, but could also be just a Vigilante. Mafioso, Serial Killer, Vigilante
Town Bodyguard, Bus Driver, Citizen, Coroner, Crier, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Investigator, Jailor, Lookout, Marshall, Mason, Mason Leader, Mayor, Sheriff, Spy, Stump, Veteran, Vigilante
Mafia Actress, Agent, Beguiler, Blackmailer, Caporegime, Consigliere, Consort, Disguiser, Framer, Godfather, Heartbreaker, Janitor, Kidnapper, Mafioso, Soldato
Triad Administrator, Deceiver, Diva, Dragon Head, Enforcer, Forger, Incense Master, Informant, Interrogator, Liaison, Silencer, Vanguard
Neutral Amnesiac, Arsonist, Auditor, Cultist, Electromaniac, Executioner, Jester, Judge, Lover, Mass Murderer, Poisoner, Scumbag, Serial Killer, Survivor, Witch, Witch Doctor