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Affiliation Neutral
Summary An obsessed hunter whose life's goal is to get his target justly executed
Goal Lives to see his target lynched
Has Night Ability? No
Abilities none
Categories Benign
Investigation Results
Sheriff Not Suspicious
Investigator Executioner or Witch or Survivor


The Executioner is a neutral role with no active abilities; the Executioner wins if their target is lynched during the day. If the target is killed at night, the Executioner may become a Jester depending on the settings.


  • Feigning a Sheriff or Investigator is a very viable strategy, with the ability to bring distrust onto your target as well as being to have a Doctor heal them at night to ensure that you don't die early.
  • The Executioner has the best chance by claiming a power role for the town to get his target executed. To successfully do this, he must be willing to face scrutiny on his role claim. Experience playing a Mafia role in this way is helpful.


  • Becomes Jester upon failure - (Default: On)
  • Target must be a Town role - (Default: On)
  • Must survive to the end - (Default: On)


  • The Executioner wins by lynching his target but isn't rewarded any points until the game is over
  • The Executioner gets much more points if he survives til the end
  • Along with the Mason, Mayor, Jester, and Spy the Executioner is one of five roles with no active night ability
Town Bodyguard, Bus Driver, Citizen, Coroner, Crier, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Investigator, Jailor, Lookout, Marshall, Mason, Mason Leader, Mayor, Sheriff, Spy, Stump, Veteran, Vigilante
Mafia Actress, Agent, Beguiler, Blackmailer, Caporegime, Consigliere, Consort, Disguiser, Framer, Godfather, Heartbreaker, Janitor, Kidnapper, Mafioso, Soldato
Triad Administrator, Deceiver, Diva, Dragon Head, Enforcer, Forger, Incense Master, Informant, Interrogator, Liaison, Silencer, Vanguard
Neutral Amnesiac, Arsonist, Auditor, Cultist, Electromaniac, Executioner, Jester, Judge, Lover, Mass Murderer, Poisoner, Scumbag, Serial Killer, Survivor, Witch, Witch Doctor