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Affiliation Town
Summary A jail guard officer, secretly detaining suspects
Goal Lynch every criminal and evildoer
Has Night Ability? Yes
Abilities Jail, Execute
Categories Support
Investigation Results
Sheriff Not Suspicious
Investigator Jailor or Vigilante or Mafioso


This role has the ability to jail and role-block one player each night. The Jailor can speak anonymously with the jailed person at night, and optionally execute them.


  • A sound strategy is to ask every person who the Jailor targets what their role is. The Jailor should keep a list in either their last will (careful about outing Doctors to the Mafia or Serial Killer) or on paper. The information can help the town or may let the Jailor know who to execute.
  • If the Jailor targets someone and one fewer person dies that night than should have, your target might have been a killing role.
  • The Jailor should take caution when revealing himself and avoid executing recklessly.
  • If your prisoner is a Serial Killer, he will murder you if you decide to release him (if the option "Kills Role-blockers" is turned). However, if you don't want to risk executing a doctor, leave a last will saying who you jailed that night.
  • Even if the Jailor has used all of their executions, they can still jail players if the town does not lynch someone during the day. This can become a powerful ability as the player numbers dwindle.
  • The Jailor should remain diligent in keeping their role a secret to those whom they jail. Using the same grammar or spelling may give themselves away. A good way to avoid this is to talk in UPPERCASE LETTERS.
  • Threatening a victim with immediate execution if they fail to answer any questions is a good way to ensure they comply.


  • Can make executions [1-3] - (Default: 1)


  • To jail someone, during the day type "-jail" then select a target.
  • If someone is lynched during the day, the Jailor can not jail or execute anyone during the night.
  • The person selected to be jailed is role-blocked that night, even if they are immune to roll-blocking; the execution ability ignores immune to death at night abilities and cannot be healed.
  • Additionally, the jailed player loses night immunity to all attacks and can be detected even if immune to detection is enabled.
  • When Hosting a game if the option for a Day-1 discussion with no-lynch is enabled it will allow the Jailor to jail someone on Night-1.
  • When two Jailors jail the same person, the chat is shared. The target can see everything that is discussed and the Jailors will not know the other's identity.
Town Bodyguard, Bus Driver, Citizen, Coroner, Crier, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Investigator, Jailor, Lookout, Marshall, Mason, Mason Leader, Mayor, Sheriff, Spy, Stump, Veteran, Vigilante
Mafia Actress, Agent, Beguiler, Blackmailer, Caporegime, Consigliere, Consort, Disguiser, Framer, Godfather, Heartbreaker, Janitor, Kidnapper, Mafioso, Soldato
Triad Administrator, Deceiver, Diva, Dragon Head, Enforcer, Forger, Incense Master, Informant, Interrogator, Liaison, Silencer, Vanguard
Neutral Amnesiac, Arsonist, Auditor, Cultist, Electromaniac, Executioner, Jester, Judge, Lover, Mass Murderer, Poisoner, Scumbag, Serial Killer, Survivor, Witch, Witch Doctor