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This isn't guaranteed to work, everyone thinks differently, even the brainless pubbies, and remember, Consiglieres remove all patterns from Mafia kills, yet you might be able to find a pattern in the Consiglieres path if you are lucky, yet it is difficult since you can't know for sure who he targets other than who dies the night after. It takes about 2-3 kills for you to discover the pattern, on N1 and N2, focus on the bright, flashy, long names, unless someone reveals themselves  
This isn't guaranteed to work, everyone thinks differently, even the brainless pubbies, and remember, Consiglieres remove all patterns from Mafia kills, yet you might be able to find a pattern in the Consiglieres path if you are lucky, yet it is difficult since you can't know for sure who he targets other than who dies the night after. It takes about 2-3 kills for you to discover the pattern, on N1 and N2, focus on the bright, flashy, long names, unless someone reveals themselves  
D1 or D2.
D1 or D2.
-Thanks to TheDarkestLight for contributing!

Revision as of 02:32, 29 June 2013

Turning Over The Game As Jailor

The Art Of The Jester

Guessing Ahead

Last Wills And You


The key to bodyguard is similar to the doc - try to predict the nightkills each night or protect the most valuable target each night (like a Sheriff or Mayor). This means that you have a fair bit of WiFOM to trudge through as bodyguard, but when you do protect somebody the results are huge - you confirm someone as non-mafia (if you blocked the mafia nightkill), a scum dies, and you die. That's three confirmed alignments right there. On Night 1, try to pick 1 or a colored name - psychology says that those players will be hit most of the time. If there's a confirmed town player, it's almost always the right play to be on them each Night. Also try to determine the patterns of kills - are scum trying to kill lurkers or active townies?

Another strong play with the bodyguard is to team up with a doc and be on eachother every Night. BG-Doc circles are especially powerful during the late game, as you have two town players that can't be nightkilled.

Mass Murderer

MM can either have the highest, or lowest KPN in the game. If a Mayor reveals on D1 for example. He is an obvious target as you will massacre all the Docs and Lookouts. If an investigative role reveals himself and asks for a Doc, you choose him. BG makes it slightly tricky however.

If the Town suspects you, you might think to target yourself, this will only work if other people they suspected had an MM on them because if all of the sudden an MM kills everyone who targets you they will suspect it is you, yet if an MM killed everyone who targeted a few people before you, and then you, they will think the MM is on suspicious people. Turning yourself into a Veteran that can't kill night immune is a bad idea, which is done by spreeing yourself.

Just target suspicious people, and powerful roles who will have protective roles on them, and you can win. Yet for N1 choice, your best bet is either 1, 5-10, or 15. People normally tend to target these people most N1 because they are on more 'convenient' parts of the list, which means they are at the middle, top, or bottom, people don't tend to go inbetween N1, it is possible, but not overly common. Also, long, colorful, and flashy names are an obvious. If a person is both 1 and a color name, people will flock to him, which makes him an obvious choice.

Also sometimes people may work in a list without them knowing. If the GF died N1 and a Mafioso replaced him, the GF/SK isn't invul, or there never was a GF and it was a Mafioso already, he can be easy to track down. Many times have I been a BG/Doc/MM and saved people from killing roles, or killed another killing role. If a non-immune kill role other than another MM or Arson targets 12, he will either continue up the list, or go to the opposite end. When I say opposite end its like this, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. The two red numbers are on opposite ends of the list. Peoples brains will make that decision, without the person actually knowing who he is picking. However, this only works if the target from the kill role is going to be random, if there are other decisions that kill role has to make, he will usually not follow this, like an investigative role is revealed and there are no protective roles left, hes going after the investigative role instead of the opposite end.

Most people leave a pattern when they kill randomly without themselves knowing. And even when they eliminate a person outside the pattern for a specific reason they will normally go back to the pattern. Consiglieres will make patterns non-existant in the way that he will reveal roles that the Mafia specifically want dead. This also goes with Vigilantes and SKs, and on rare occasion Jailors, so you can guess you are going to get jailed before you are, telling your Mafia if you have a Disguiser to disguise the next night.

People also tend to go for the brighter colors -other than red- like Yellow, Teal, Orange, Pink, Light Pink and Light Green because they appeal to them the most -unless as I said before they have a second thought in their heads-.

Mafia is a mind game, people will think they are randoming things, yet it call comes down to patterns. So this might help you as MM/Doc/BG and sometimes even Vet so you can guess when to Alert if you have limited charges.

This isn't guaranteed to work, everyone thinks differently, even the brainless pubbies, and remember, Consiglieres remove all patterns from Mafia kills, yet you might be able to find a pattern in the Consiglieres path if you are lucky, yet it is difficult since you can't know for sure who he targets other than who dies the night after. It takes about 2-3 kills for you to discover the pattern, on N1 and N2, focus on the bright, flashy, long names, unless someone reveals themselves D1 or D2.

-Thanks to TheDarkestLight for contributing!