I fell asleep, Gimme 15 mins
Day Two
Scvmurderer was murdered he was Citizen - Gamethrower
secondpassing has replaced lingsarecute
@hellbot & @Soviet_Love are on their last 24 hours unless they post.
6 votes to hammer.
Players Graveyard @Distorted - Host
@Marshmallow Marshall
lingsarecute@secondpassingScvmurderer - Citizen - Gamethrower
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
'sup. And thanks SuperJack for replacing me during the night. gave me ample time to catch up.
Yes. I agree. WE should be having the MAFIA win. Why?
Because our collective brain sizes aren't greater than average- therefore figuring out people from a mafia pool would be easier
then we just lean towards having mafia get to victory, simulaneously threatening the lynch on everyone else.
And we profit.
FOS (finger of suspicion)
-vote Efekannn02
for the circumstances around their cit claim
naz, MM, Hybrid I'm leaning towards good people.
sb16 gets a pass for now due to his claim
@ Efe
Why in the world do you type with every word capitalized. It's cancer to read.
Actually, I change my mind.
-vote Soviet_Love
didn't post in night chat- probable lone scum
Side note: I'm disappointed that you guys didn't lynch yesterday. I can't believe the "skip day! skip day!" spam schitck actually worked on you all.
We're all mod players right????
Hello, posting so I don't get killed! Also some input:
It is disappointing that someone was randomly killed. I think it is more likely that a random kill (or random lynch) will kill a rule-follower than a gamethrower. Fortunately, Scvmurderer was a gamethrower. I guess something that I am wondering is - how do we go about discovering who are gamethrowers? And for us rule-followers, does it even matter if we get a town win or a maf win? Because if not, then we should rely on maf because they are basically mason-vigilantes.
Right now, there are 7 rule-followers and 4 rule-breakers. Because of this simple math, I don't think we should lynch unless we have a legitimate lead. But, at the same time, we don't have any sheriffs or investigators who can detect primary roles. Therefore, whether we have day lynching or nightkills (if mm is rule-follower, or if a majority of maf/godfather are rule-followers) I'm not sure how we can make sure we're killing rule-breakers and not rule-followers. It seems like every lynch or kill is a roll of the dice.
I Stand With Ma Claim Im Da Citizen And All People Who Side With Maf Are Throwers
I Like Ice Cream
I Like Ice Cream
I wonder how he died. I'm assuming either to mafia or NK, because it said "murdered" so he probably wasn't modkilled.
I'm a new FM player so on top of my shit scum hunting, its even MORE challenging to find non-rule-followers.
But again, I claim rule follower hardcore. If I die, its to the hands of a rule breaker. 😡
That's a good point second passing you just claimed you was in a night chat? Are you a mafia man? If not then your a skyper and that would relay a lynch
Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.
On the kill, kidnappers can kill right? So could MM maybe confirm whether he killed or did not kill SCV?
It would be of great help and allow us to identify clears and pin down better targets from yesterday.
Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.
Also hey marshyzeratul...why no kill on blinkypoo?
Lol, no I'm not claiming anything. I am just trying to think logically about we are going to determine who the rule-breakers are. I was suggesting in a public forum that the mafia may be the key to stopping the rule-breakers because they all know each other's identity and have a night kill (while the MM only knows his own identity and has a night-kill).
Open to critiques on my thoughts, but it could be a good place to start.
Also I want to say im 80% sure that Efe is a Cuck.
I would also like to state I think that Naz and MM are rule followers from what I've seen
Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.
Superjack should I messaged you with your feedback? If not then message him.
Also roles are not very useful, they help us narrow down who is a killing role or investigative role but they give us nothing on allignment.
While it can be argued knowing if X is a killing role coulf help, it also could do nothing as X could easily lie
Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.
Mm obviosuly didnt kill i was jailed and he let me live i did not say one word in jail so im oretty sure hes a rule breaker for letting me live because he said he was so sure i was a rule breaker but alas im not im a rule follower he also wouldnt take my bet this lynch should be obvious
MMs rhetoric yesterday indicated he was ginna kill you, so to not kill you is quite scummy tbf
Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.
You litetally jailed me and let me live lol your getting lynched today
Just curious what is the other mafia role?
-vote marshmallow marshallill be asking host same question again as last night "Can you modkill MM"?
Granted there were a lot of afk people, BUT
Soviet_Love posted once, then checked out during the night.
THEN they basically proceeded to copypasta what I said and posted it here.
Because he didn't say anything in jail. A rule follower wouldn't do such a thing, since he would greatly harm the rulefollowers' chances of winning. A cuck wouldn't do such a thing, because he needs to get MODKILLED in order to win. A skyper wouldn't do such a thing, because he doesn't want to die lol. A com hunter wouldn't do such a thing, because he needs to live in order to win. Which leaves... Gamethrower. Who needs to lose in order to win. Executing a gamethrower would get him on the way of the win. Which I don't want. So now execution for him. Happy?