Fear and death

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Thread: Fear and death

  1. ISO #1

    Fear and death

    For quite a few years I have been obsessing over the concept of evil but I hit a wall when looking at death. Not worth unpacking the why and how of that wall but I am curious, what scares you and what would you consider the worst way to die?

    Personally I have always been terrified of radiation. Bursts of it modify or destroy genetic code in our body's removing the process that allows cells to replace themselves causing the person to kinda rot while living in a fucked up way. Although there is no apparent initial damage, removing (or corrupting) the process in which cells replace themselves is a crazy level of scary to me although I made the mistake of diving down that rabbit hole to understand how it would feel when I was too young.

    If enough things in this world don't mess with you but you want some fear look into Hisashi Ouchi and his assistant. I have studied the darker bits of interrogation a little but this kinda death is an order of magnitude more terrifying to me than anything people intentionally do to inflict pain for some reason. Maybe related to how we accept risks we feel we can influence reflecting how people are more afraid of flying in a plane than driving in a car?

    Kinda an odd and personal question. Its just something I do not understand. Might make for some interesting conversation and I have always found it interesting how horror films play on the subtle fears that exist within a society.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Fear and death

    At the moment drowning scares me after I watched a video a woman going for one of those ice swims after a sauna or whatever. There had been a section of ice cut out, she jumped in with a pretty vertical drop but there was a current and before she resurfaced she had already been pushed under the ice sheet. They never recovered a body. I can't remember what subreddit it was but it was to do with making people aware that everyday "normal" stuff can be deadly.

    I've had a healthy fear of drowning, but after seeing that kinda wanna stay away from water for awhile.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Fear and death

    Yah, honestly no clue. Objectivity imho the very worst should be that poison or venom thingy that causes so much pain that people who got it they bashed it their own skulls just to make it stop. Forgot what it was.
    But other than that, I honestly don't believe humans have many ways of dying that'd compete in awfulness with many of those of the animal kingdom with their constant being eaten alive stuff.

    There's 3 that come to mind, and a 4th and 5th more personal almost phobias.
    1) A bear doesn't even care about killing it's pray. It'll just stand on top of it and eat it's stomach. Getting caught by a bear with your stomach upwards I think could be one of the worst ways to go.
    2) When chimps attack men, they're known to have the first thing they do is pulling off penis and eyes out. Just to give a glimpse on the cruelty of chimps - when they eat monkeys, they just hold them down and pull off limbs to eat 1 by 1. Not so bothered by the screams, screams that traumatize scientists witnessing those.
    3) Getting gutted by an axe. Trying to hold your own entrails inside doesn't sound.. fun..
    4) Whatever many years ago I attempted suicide in a way I thought romantic: my hands tied with zip ties behind my back and and a bag zipped on my head. I'm not a very flexible person to say the least, idk how I got out of it. How many trillion cells are there in the human body? I'm pretty sure each and every one of mine hurt like hell that day. Unimaginable pain. Made TV unwatchable for whenever someone got smothered on screen to say the least.
    5) Drowning. AFAIK drowning itself is painless. Knowing doesn't help my psychological scaredness of it though. Not to mention scenarios where you'd stay afloat till the last ounce of your energy is gone.

    Me personally, I think radiation death might look worse than it feels. Or do they scream of pain?

    Petition to enable this subforum to be seen on front page. Wtf guys? I pressed "new posts" by almost an accident, how are people not supposed to miss Serious Discussion subforum now?

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Fear and death

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Me personally, I think radiation death might look worse than it feels. Or do they scream of pain?

    Petition to enable this subforum to be seen on front page. Wtf guys? I pressed "new posts" by almost an accident, how are people not supposed to miss Serious Discussion subforum now?
    Lots of interesting thoughts there. The raw brutality that exists in the animal kingdom that people are somewhat insulated from is very real. I am sorry for your experience with asphyxiation. I have only experienced passing out doing MMA and SERE but a function of the body I do understand is toxicity buildup. I can not imagine how that feels.

    To radiation the issue is that cells naturally die but are replaced. Its done by using DNA as a blueprint to create a new cell to replace the one that dies. But when that blueprint is corrupted or destroyed cells just die. Its the slow death of every cell in your body. Every organ fails, skin falls off, lack of any immune system happens and the mind dies after the body giving it time to experience the process. The only blessing I can imagine is the conscious brain shuts off after certain levels of pain. I suppose it just scares me so much because you get to very slowly experience death while you maintain the ability to understand what is happening and there is just nothing to stop it from happening. Knowing you will die is like watching an approaching train but watching it happen I can only assume is a level of terror. Prolonging that terror over weeks while you rot from the outside in is an experience I find scary in a different way. When I think about chernobyl, nagasaki, and hiroshima I wonder how many people spent days, months or years slowly passing in such a way.
    Last edited by Helz; January 31st, 2022 at 05:14 AM.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Fear and death


    You still exist. You just forget who you are till your nothing but a shell.

    Imagine not knowing your dying. And strangers coming in and crying. Imagine being told that your life long partner has been gone for years, or your children.

    It's so sad.
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  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Fear and death

    Not sure I'm wording things in a comprehensible manner, so i wish you good luck lol.

    As a way to die, radiation doesn't scare me that much because it takes time, which means you have ways out : if you think it's that bad, well, you can always choose another way to die. That being said radiation poisoning is probably one of the very worst things that can happen to you, it's long, it's painful, and it might kill you now or virtually anytime. Definitely bad stuff. No clue about about the pain it induces tho, i suspect it has to depend on the organ(s) affected ? I guess it's quite high, because radiation poisoning messes up with the body on so many different levels.
    I know of people with similar experiences to ozy's, so asphyxiation is most certainly a terrible, painful way to die. Not sure whether drowning is any better or worse, but I'm pretty sure asphyxiation (or anoxia if you wanna get fancy) is what kills you first when drowning, too, so that must suck about as much. I don't think anything knocks you out before the lack of oxygen does.
    If you consider death of the self, rather than biological one, then alzheimer definitely qualifies, although I remain convinced that in this case, even more so than with biological death, your close ones are the one that suffer the most. Though the few moments of lucidity must be bad enough to almost make it up...

    For me personally, destruction of my self or its consciousness without actual biological death is what i fear the most, because I despise the fact that something would then be considered like Me even though I am dead. I'm pretty sure that's also what would cause the most total pain, so some form of long, painful brain cancer, diagnosed early enough that you know and feel your self vanishing before your very eyes as the disease progressively gnaws at it is probably the worst i can think of.
    Any neurodegenerative disease more or less fits that description, tho. Mental illnesses are pretty bad, too. Arguably worse because you suffer longer if you do not die. But I wonder if one can detach himself from the disease, when it affects one's mind, thoughts or whatever you want to call it, because if not then the suffering the disease induces would be considered intrinsic to one's very existence, which might make it easier to cope with for stoicians, but certainly would be cynical enough that it'd hurt. But I digress...

    I'm not sure really understand what "fear of death" actually means. I don't really fear loosing consciousness and never waking up ever again, the fact that I cannot conceive the world existed before I did nor that it will continue existing after I do, doesn't change that. I'm no more afraid of death itself than I am of falling asleep. I'm more afraid of the pain that often comes with it than of death, and I'm about as afraid of being "altered" (whatever the source of said alteration, including myself) enough that who I am today wouldn't consider what I'd be Myself (i guess one could call that "loosing" oneself) than I am of pain at acceptable-without-going-insane levels.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Fear and death

    Pain is scary. Not existing anymore is not (if there's nothing), and whatever there is after life, if there is something at all, is just not something we can do much about in a reasonable manner, so being scared about it is pointless.
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