People who create threads in the ongoing FM section should be able to edit the title of the thread.

"S-FM 420 example PREGAME"
"S-FM 420 example Day 1"
"S-FM 420 example Night 1"
"S-FM 420 example Day 2"

I see the benefits as follows:
1. In nightless setups players who are dead sometimes may post before reading and they won't realize... yknow... they're dead. If the host changes the thread title to signify its a new day, then players may realize "I might be dead" and they'll read before posting.
2. Players can easily tell just by the thread title whether or not host has created the end of day post yet with the lynch reveal. If the title says day, they havent gotten there yet. If the title says night, then the flip has been revealed.
3. In games with criers where the thread must remain unlocked people won't post in the middle of the fucking night