[Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

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  1. ISO #1

    [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    I'm trying to figure out ways to make use of my free time and I've been spending a lot of time in After Effects. I've always wanted to make a youtube series and I kept thinking of ideas and one stuck out to me. There are plenty of people who use Youtube's annotations to create a game of sorts by clicking on links to different videos and having them all go along together. I was thinking of making some sort of Mafia type scripted game where the player is a detective questioning a lot of different people in an interview room. The player would slowly find a small group of mafia players and put them all in Jail if he can figure out all their lies.

    So the question is would you guys sit on youtube for 20-30 minutes playing a game of Mafia/find the liar/detective using interactive videos?

    If not how long would you play for? How many people should you have to go through?

    At first I'd most likely have to use friends to do voice overs and make lame animations be the people. I figured that if this group of people doesn't even seem interested in the idea how will a normal group of people react(Get it? None of you are normal it's hilarious).

    Anyway, let me know what you think I suppose.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside


    but since none of us are normal then we HAVE to act normal, and think like a normal person!
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  3. ISO #3

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    I would think it's fun.

    However, I think the entire project would be too taxing on you. Think of how many videos you'd have to make!

    For each person you'd have to have like 2 or 3 questions, and then another 2 or 3 questions as you delve deeper into clues.

    Let us say there is a match with 6 people; 4 innocents and 2 mafia

    6(2 * 4) = 48 videos.

    I say this because, supposing you go with 2 questions per character, you'll have to follow it up with another 2 questions depending on which question you asked first. So with 2 questions there are a total of 4 "second tier" questions. So on and so forth.

    Unless you have a much simpler plan in mind. Do tell :P

  4. ISO #4

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    It 'sounds' interesting, but I think for myself it all depends on how attracting the videos become.

    You need to be able to draw in your audience and then continue to hold their attention.

    I think I know what your talking about, making a game out of videos, but there could possibly be a better way of obtaining that game like effect...through an actual webpage or something...Like using flash or something...might be a more plausible scenario.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    Yeah, the plan is that it takes a lot of videos, but the actual content remains very editable and easy. I was thinking of doing it very south park -ish with small talking mouths or something, but I don't know yet.

    The questions would be very similar to LA Noire and while I can't exactly say that it's going to be nearly as in depth it'll focus on lies, simple problem solving, and misinformation rather than lie detecting through visuals. I can't exactly show the crows feet on someone when they are smiling to let everyone know that it's a truthful smile with shoddy animated Cartman looking fellas.

    I guess the basic plan for the first series to see if it works would be 10-12 people and the first video tells you the rules, how to play, and who the charcters are. Then it goes into each character in the room telling you what they did and what they think happened. After that you can choose to ask each one questions by clicking an annotation of their face. They enter the room and they go into more detail about what happened and what they did and you can ask them questions in a simple A B and C fashion. I don't know if I can do this, but I'm about 99% sure I can just break the video into sections and each answer goes to a different part of the video. I do a question video for each player 10-12 videos + 1 = 13 videos we'll say so far. Each about 1-2 minutes long with a slightly longer first video. After that you say you're done questioning witnesses and go to the trial. You choose the most likely candidate for the Killer. This one video would be broken up into 10-12 sections depending on who you choose. That person then gives a final defense that's at max like 20 seconds long and you can choose innocent or guilty. If you choose innocent you go back to the killer choosing screen and if you choose guilty you kill him and his role is revealed. The first series will have to probably end there only because that's about 14 videos, but if it get somewhat popular I could allow the player to go to another video where all the killers are there with a slightly different perspective because that person is dead...The only problem is that it makes about 100 more videos so I'd have to think of another way to do that. Maybe they don't change and you just go back and try again or something.

    14-15 videos. The whole process takes about 10-20 minutes depending on how good you are at solving the case. The clues I could think of would be you talk to a bus driver who tells you I remember picking up a blonde and a tall guy with black hair. When you interview the blonde she says she rode a bus that night, but the tall black haired guy doesn't tell you that. You might be able to ask the bus driver how close the pickup spot was to the murder scene and he'll say a block or two so you know the Black haired guy is probably hiding it because he doesn't want you to know.

    As for using Youtube instead of a website. I know how to make videos and how to use annotations. I don't have a clue at all on how to make a website other than extremely basic HTML. I also am a horrible artist so that's why the South Park style calls to me...it's a bunch of circles and basic shapes.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    I think the posts preceding mine have pretty much covered my concerns mechanics-wise.

    Content-wise, the idea itself is extremely hard to execute. Games revolving around psychology and analysis have very picky clients, mainly because the people who would look at them in the first place are your more intelligent people. You don't want to make a game that is so pedantic with walls of text and pure information that it bores the players. Yet you don't want to make a game with so much frivolity that it no longer classifies itself as a psychological game (though that might not have been your main goal). Especially because you'll have to use a scenario and thought process creative enough that people will want to play, yet with the reasoning normal people can understand but still be amazed at how they won't have figured it out.

    Like I remember this one mystery story I read where the climax came at a last will with "the diamond is hidden in the vane," except there was no diamond there. It ended up being some stupid conclusion because the guy typing the last will accidentally hit a "v" instead of a "c" and it was actually hidden in his cane. Yeah, no one would have thought of it, a mere typo while writing the last will, but the audience definitely won't get a kick out of it. By no means am I suggesting you'll come up with a dumb scenario like this, but I'm just making the point that what you think might appeal to the audience might actually backfire on you.

    My only suggestion would be to have a large crew of your personally handpicked Mafia players, around 5, and have them review all the scripts before you start making anything. Have them logically work through each scenario and see if they can figure it out, or if they can't, whether they'll be satisfied with the reason why they didn't.

    It is a very daunting task, but I applaud your initiative and hope you go through with it. With that, I wish you luck. I do hope to see the final product when you finish.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    If anyone wants to be a Beta tester let me know I'll make a small mockup of a script and some character Bios and we'll see if you guys can figure it out. I'll leave it with 5 for now since this is going to be an extremely simple script at first and I'll spice it up with dialog/nuances later depending on who I get to voice the characters.

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    Ask deathfire i heard he has experience with that kind of games with adult content from japan... xD
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  11. ISO #11

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    Alright, I've actually just written up the Bios and basic interviews for each person.

    I want 5 people who want to take a crack at solving the puzzle. I won't give any answers out yet, but I want to see the thought process behind each person and why you think what you think.

    The question asking stage isn't done yet, because I want to make sure the info I give you is enough to thoroughly understand what happened before you can ask the people any questions.

    Send me a PM or ask here first come first serve. Don't cheat and talk between people or post the info is all I ask.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    You remind me of this

    Omg this is epic HAHA
    a hunter fucks a bear is funny
    theres also soccer, eats, disguises, shoots, barbecue

    p.s: sorry for being offtopic. never seen something like this on youtube before.
    Last edited by Ash; January 29th, 2012 at 11:20 AM.
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  13. ISO #13

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    I'm going to post the information here and anyone that wants to take a crack at it can. I figure if 20 people see this on here it's not going to completely ruin the idea and it allows me to make the game better. Not to mention I made this whole story idea in about an hour so I can easily make another one.

    Character Bios:

    Works at the local Gas Station as a clerk.
    1 Aggrevated Assult charge against his ex girlfriend after learning that she had been sleeping with the victim
    Went to Community College with the victim
    Alibi: On camera at the gas station the entire night the victim died.
    Reason for suspicion: Frank had already punched his ex girlfriend in the face for what she did we can only suspect what Frank wanted to do to the victim.

    7 prior arrests. 5 prostiution charges and 2 possesion of an illegal substance
    The victims cousin
    Alibi: With a customer at the local motel
    Reasoning for suspicion: Stacy's customer vanished and she had no recollection of the night after 11 PM. She can't remember who the customer was.

    1 previous arrest for Grand Theft Auto. Stole his fathers Porche
    Old friend of the victim
    Alibi: Banging a model in his mansion off on his private island was filmed and timestamped with the local news being on in the background.
    Reasoning for suspicion: Falling out after high school and the victim had just won the local election for city councilman that Johnny was running for.

    Community College Professor
    No previous arrests
    Taught the victim at the college
    Alibi: Watching Citizen Kane for his film class he's taking.
    Reasoning for suspicion: Victim found 2 blocks from his house

    No Previous arrests
    Franks ex girlfriend and the victims current girlfriend
    Alibi: The victim left their house at around 9 PM to grab some Taco Bell and she called the police at 4 AM. She was in the house the entire night.
    Reasoning for suspicion: Her DNA and fingerprints were all over the body and murder weapon.

    1 Previous arrest fpr public indeceny
    Worked with victim over the course of his time as the Dean of the college
    Alibi: Watching 101 Dalmations at his nephews house.
    Reasoning for suspicion: The victim knew Craig's love of public restrooms went a little far and tipped the police off which led to the chasing of Craig running naked through the streets. Possible revenge.

    Janitor at Community College on probation
    2 Counts of 2nd degree manslaughter
    Saw the victim occasionally at the college
    Alibi: At home sleeping.
    Reasoning for suspicion: The manslaughter charges and the victims policy on probation was that it shouldn't be allowed and he would sent the 'scum' back to jail.

    2 counts of Embezzlement and mouney laundering
    Johnny's Father
    Alibi: Driving through the night after visiting relatives in the city.
    Reasoning for suspicion: To guaruntee his son's chance at city council.

    Community College student
    No prior arrests
    Best friends with the victim
    Alibi: Sleeping at his house.
    Reasoning for suspicion: First one to find the body and he tried to perform CPR.

    Police Detective
    No prior arrests
    No relation to victim
    Alibi: Sleeping at his house.
    Reasoning for suspicion: He overheard that he was going to be transferred because of the lack of big cases in the town. The love of his life is in this town and he didn't want to leave.


    I was at the gas station the whole night.
    Craig came in at 6:30 to fill his car up.
    Reginald pulled in at 3 AM to fill his car up.
    Johnny came in early to fill his car up around 7:30.
    Stacy was my last customer before I left and she wanted the morning after pill.
    I was working from 6 to 8 the next morning and went to bed directly after that.
    I hated the guy, but the worst thing I could do would be to punch him in the face.

    I met my customer at about 11 PM.
    We went to the motel and did some cocaine.
    I don't remember what we did after that, but I know I woke up in the motel at 8 AM.
    I went to the gas station and picked up a morning after pill in case something happened without protection.
    I hadn't talked to the victim in awhile, but I remember going to his housewarming party a few months back.

    You guys can go fuck yourselves.
    I was with my hotty model friend all night last night the proof is in my sex tape.
    You guys can keep watching the tape all you want by the way I gotta leak it eventually.
    I remember going to the gas station to pick up some more magnum condoms and fill up my gas tank after I came back from the coast.
    I haven't talked to the victim in years man I don't even know where the hell he lives.

    I was shocked when I found out that he had been murdered he was such a good student.
    I remember hearing the gun shots that night, but it sounded more like fireworks so I assumed it was the neighborhood kids goofing around.
    I had to get up early to do some commision work for a client of mine, but I made it to school before classes started at 8.
    I went to bed around 1 AM after watching Citizen Kane.
    I remember stopping by the gas station before going to school that morning only for a short fill up.


    *crying the entire time*
    I loved him so much I have no idea what happened.
    He left around 9 to get us dinner so and we were going to watch The Notebook because he lost a bet.
    I fell asleep waiting for him around 11 and when I woke up and he still wasn't here I decided to call the cops.
    I joined the search party after that to go look for him.
    Issac comforted me after he found the body and I've been a wreck ever since.
    He had my gun on him that I use for self defense I can't believe that the murderer stole it from him and killed him with it.
    I swear I was here all night I loved him with all my heart.

    I didn't personally like the victim after the stunt he pulled that glory hole prank on me.
    My sister called me over to babysit my nephew because she was going out to meet a guy.
    I went to the gas station before I went thier house to fill up.
    I slept at their house and came home to apply for jobs in the morning when I heard the news.
    I can't say I'm happy, but I'm not very sad. He wouldn't have made a good councilman.

    Unintelligble grumbles.
    You gonna ask me any questions?
    I've been down this road before and I'm not saying nothin unless you force me too.
    I have to tell you what I know?
    The kid was stupid and was going to ruin my life, but I hate the outside world and I've been doing petty crime to get back into jail for awhile now.
    Free Healthcare? Free Lodging? No work? Yeah, sure I killed the guy.

    I've been working hard promoting my son.
    I wouldn't stoop as low as to kill my opponent there is no challenge in that.
    We were planning on creating a hate ad that drove his campaign into the ground. Why would we have planned that all out if we were going to kill him?
    I wasn't even in town when he supposedly died. I had just left my wife's family reunion in the city.

    *Some tears*
    I can't believe he's gone. We were going to go see that new movie this weekend too.
    I was out for my morning jog when I saw the blood in the street.
    I looked in the bushes to the side and saw a hand and when I pulled him out he I saw it was him.
    I tried to give CPR, but it was too late he was shot right in the heart it looked like and he was covered in blood.
    When I called the cops they said there was a search team already looking for him and that they said they checked the area before I was there.
    They thought I put him there and called the cops, but I had just woken up and it was completely random that I found him.
    When Holly got there she was in tears so I had to comfort her and calm her down before she drove everyone crazy.

    I don't know the kid.
    You guys think it's me because you know there aren't big enough cases here and you want to transfer me.
    I mean I get it, but seriously? You think I killed a guy to spice things up?
    Did you think I was going to try and frame someone and arrest an innocent person?
    I think that it's all quite ridiculous, but I'll oblige.
    If I was going to get shipped out of here I would have asked Carly to marry me and she'd have come with me.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Clawtrocity; January 29th, 2012 at 04:52 PM.

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    This is absolutely brilliant. I'll go through it when I get the chance. Keep up the good work!

    Spoiler : FM Roles :
    FM I: FalseTruth the Half-Breed | FM II: FalseTruth the Plato's Bitch | FM III: Co-Host | FM IV: Gabriele the Dirty Nazi Hookah | FM V: Theodore the Ambitious | FM VI: FalseTruth the Bothersome Sloth | FM VII: Peter the Troll | FM VIII: Host | FM IX: Larisa the Cappertiller | FM X: FM Lysergic the Evil Genius | FM XI: Udyr the Lurking Oracle

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: [Idea] Would any of you watch a Youtube series like this? Explanation inside

    Some clarification that I'll have to add in to the beginning of the video or something.

    There is only 1 gas station in the entire town. Next closest is 10 miles out near the city.
    There were 3 reported calls of gunshot sounds the night of the murder all within 5 minutes of each other.
    The victim died of a shot to the heart, but there were signs of a struggle.

    Keep the questions coming and if you think you need some clarifications on what a cop that lives in the town should know tell me. I'll figure it out and make it as clear as possible.

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20



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