S-FM Black Flag Nightless
Hosted by Gyrlander
Welcome to the third game of the ladder! This time you'll be playing S-FM Black Flag Nightless by deathworlds. You may /sign or /reserve here, and will automatically be enrolled in the Ladder; you may "/sign opt out" if you do not wish to be counted for rank points. Please take the time to vote for your favorite setup(s); although you are not required to vote, the one with the most votes will be played on the second game of the season. Note that if there is a tie, the Host of the next game will choose their setup among the tied ones. Good luck and have fun!
Be aware that the Forum Mafia Rules apply.
Press to view the Setup.
Press to view the Forum Mafia Rules.
1. Frinckles
2. SuperJack
3. Noz_Bugz
4. Ganelon
5. naz
6. renegade
7. Varcron
8. BananaCucho
9. aamirus
10. theoneceko
(More will be added if necessary)
2. Marshmallow Marshall
3. secondpassing
4. Stealthbomber16
5. Auwt