Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

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  1. ISO #1

    Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

    In Mafia, the chances of having 2 Jailors has increased dramatically, mainly due to players accepting the Jailor as a standard role in their setups. This thread is for discussing some fun tactics you've done with multiple Jailors. Additionally, this is also a place to show off any moments you've had as a Jailor that you appreciate. However, you can discuss anything as long as it deals with multiple Jailors.

    Make-Shift Alliance
    Requires two Jailors and any random player, most preferably a confirmed role. Have the two Jailors each jail the same, desired player. By doing so, you will have created a miniature meeting, rivaling those of Masons.

    This is actually my favorite tactic in Mafia when I'm a Jailor or a Mayor. By setting this plan in motion, the designated player becomes immune to any sort of killing abilities. Additionally, a coalition like this can discuss the topics of the day better than any Mason can, owing to their limited power and trustworthiness. With a confirmed role, the 3 players can know each others identities, giving them an upper hand in the Mafia's own game.

    The group basically becomes an Anti-Mafia alliance. While the Mafia holds the powers of night, the Jailor coalition has the upper hand during the day. If a Mayor had become the target of designation, the ability to have 4 votes will prevent the death of any member of the group during the day, especially the Mayor's support. This make-shift group is the ultimate Anti-Mafia weapon during the day. By adding a Vigilante to the collaboration, the Town gains the weapons they need to destroy the Mafia.

    While I wouldn't call this make-shift group overpowered, I still wouldn't say that it's weak. With the possibilities of this strategy becoming more common as more players accept Jailors as a standard, this strategy will eventually become overused. As my favorite strategy, I hope that it won't fall in the wrong hands or in the hands of trolling Jailors.

    Story Time
    Anyways, I discovered this strategy while playing with a player under the guise of Dog. With his name in mind, I jailed his ass that night. Upon pleading for his life and claiming Jailor, I told him to prove himself by jailing Domestic Housecat the next day.

    Sure enough, I was jailed once the night ended. Once we had discovered each others identities, we would continue to jail important and suspicious players. On some nights, we would jail each other to ensure that we had protection.

    Once I had jailed a Doctor and saved him from attack, I revealed to him our names and roles. By creating this 3 man group, we killed off the Mafia henchmen and the Serial Killer committed suicide.

    Once the players were isolated, a certain player claimed Doctor. At this point, we knew who each of us were. With only 6 players left and a Survivor still standing, we lynched off the player who claimed Doctor without much thought.

    As expected, he ended up being the Godfather. If anything, the game we played was excellent. By isolating and discovering what each player was, we ensured our victories through reason and cooperation. This is an example of a perfect game and the effects of team-work.

    Team-work is OP, abuse it!


  2. ISO #2

    Re: Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

    A wild mayor has revealed!
    Troll jailor uses execute.
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

    Any alliances with jailors don't work since you must not lynch to jail. If you are jailing a PR like a vig then you are role blocking him as well.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

    I played a game once where I jailed the Spy night 1, who had this plan where he would become the town information-collector, while I would jail him whenever possible to keep him alive while he figured out who was Mafia. He would also pass along information to me in case he died. It worked really well even though I was able to jail him only once after that, since that night he got attacked by both the SK and Mafia and every day afterward a baddie got lynched. Town won.

    As far as 2-jailor strategies go, they are only useful if the Jailors can figure out who the other is. That's not easy to do and requires some luck to happen. Are these strategies useful if the jailors only find each other after 1/3 or more people are dead?

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    A wild mayor has revealed!
    Troll jailor uses execute.
    It's Super Effective!

    working with Jailors as town can give you alot of control over the board if played right. my favorite time working with a jailor was a few weeks ago. i was invest and was jailed night 1. I told the jailor what i was and who i had planned to check that night and why. he then gives me a code word which he later uses to let me know that hes the jailor during the day. skip to day 3, i found a player with knives and instead of saying anything to the town itself i pm'd the jailor and informed him of what i knew. that person is then jailed that night. next day comes around and he is killed in a jail cell and shown to be the serial killer. he then proceeded to rage in dead chat about the jailor cheating since he knew he was lying. when i asked him what he said to the jailor he said he claimed sheriff... BUSTED!
    Last edited by Sookie; January 22nd, 2012 at 11:17 PM.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

    On day 1, I had a jailor jail me while I was the jailor, while at the same time I jailed a third jailor. It was a shame my jail didn't go through, we would have made a good team
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

    Quote Originally Posted by Kromos View Post
    On day 1, I had a jailor jail me while I was the jailor, while at the same time I jailed a third jailor. It was a shame my jail didn't go through, we would have made a good team
    Jailor on Jailor on Jailor. If that happened, hilarity would've be ensued, and people would be immortal.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Deux Jailor Discussions and Stories

    Quote Originally Posted by Kromos View Post
    On day 1, I had a jailor jail me while I was the jailor, while at the same time I jailed a third jailor. It was a shame my jail didn't go through, we would have made a good team
    Long time ago I made a setup with like 13 jailors and 1 GF, was fun.
    But at that time, jails went through. So if jailor jailed a jailor that jailed someone else, the second jailor that was jailed and jailed the third person can see two chats.

    But now DR changed it, but it was funny then.
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)



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