Update to the Queue
Due to the recent increase in FM activity and in hosting requests, a new Queue has been opened: the Mini S-FM Queue! Setups that are meant to be played with 10 players or less may now be placed by FM staff under the Mini S-FM Queue. They will be played independantly from the games in the Usual FM Queue, which is meant for all setup sizes. Note that the exact same process applies to both Queues when it comes to reviewing, approving, and getting the go-ahead to post signups; nothing has changed on that point.
What does this mean for you and for the forum? Simply that may now be two games going on at the same time, one of the Usual FM Queue and one of the Mini S-FM Queue. This will allow the site's games to better follow its activity.
The original post has been updated accordingly. The first game on the Mini S-FM Queue is
's "Mallow's Anti-Vaxxing Crusade" (9P); he may now post signups. See you soon in both the old and the new queues!