M-FM I Gamethread

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM I Gamethread

    Gravel crunched as Angelo patrolled the grounds. His boss had grown restless, the business had been in decline ever since their shipments had been getting stalled on the borders of Sicily. It had been difficult enough to keep the actions of the Mafia family a secret in a Town as small as Vittoria, but when the money began drying up so did their power.

    “Angelo! The boss needs you in his office!”

    A cry from the main house brought the gangster in from the gardens. His boss ushered him to a seat in front of his desk, before returning to his own chair.

    For a moment, the only sound in the room was birdsong.

    “I trust you know why I'm angry, lad.”

    Angelo looked up, nervously, before speaking.

    “Yes boss. But me and the fellers, we got a plan.”

    The figure behind the desk leaned backwards, his body becoming enveloped in the shadows. Angelo clenched his hands tight, sweat breaking out on his brow. The joviality of the birds outside was in stark contrast to the tense atmosphere inside the den, and Angelo began wondering if he'd stepped out of line. Finally, the silhouette motioned for him to continue.

    “Uh, right sir. Well... Grigio and his boys in Palermo had the same problem a few years back. They began showing weaknesses, their soldiers started getting picked up in the street as the police began missing their cut. Eventually it got so bad Grigio took some men and 'visited' the police chief. Well it didn't work for them did it, but they went about it wrong. See, well, um-”

    “We need to make this town realise who has the real power, is that what you're getting at Angelo?”

    The gangster nodded and stared intently at his boss. With a very subtle gesture, the shadow leaned forward and pointed at his henchman.

    “Go out, tonight. You, go with him.”

    Angelo started violently as he noticed another silhouette lurking in the corner. This new shadow simply nodded.

    “We begin this war now.” said Arminio, the Godfather.


    Greetings all, welcome to Vittoria and the first M-FM!

    Here are some notable rules:

    1) Each thread will start at NIGHT. You may not post in the thread during the night. I will use the SAME thread to begin the day – once you see the day post, you may begin the day chat.
    2) Once the time limit is up, or a lynch has been hammered, the day will end. If a lynch is hammered while I am not present, the lynch will be locked but day chat may still continue. Once I post in the thread declaring the end of the day, you may not post in the thread anymore.
    3) All night actions must be PM'd to me here, on Luna.
    4) Obviously you may not talk about this game outside of the day/night threads, or outside of dead chat.
    5) Anyone attempting to interfere with this game from the outside, or any griefing from the players, will be noted and your participance in future FM games will be unlikely.
    6) If you have any questions, PM them to me directly. I will include a Q&A at the bottom of this post which will be kept updated.

    Role list and settings:

    Hidden Town Power Role
    Hidden Town Power Role
    Hidden Town Power Role
    Hidden Town Power Role
    Hidden Town Power Role

    Serial Killer
    Hidden Neutral
    Godfather (Arminio)
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Armoursmith, Escort, Vigilante, Detective, Veteran, Lookout, Coroner, Journalist, Bus Driver, Bodyguard

    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Jester, Executioner, Witch, Survivor, Amnesiac

    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Framer, Mafioso, Consort, Blackmailer, Janitor, Consigliere

    Amnesiac: Can take ANY role in this game. Is not immune to witching/roleblocking, but his action will take priority (so if he chooses to use his action, it won't be affected).

    Bodyguard: Bodyguard kills do NOT ignore immunities.

    Bus Driver: Cannot target self.

    Consort/Escort: Not immune to roleblocks.

    Detective: If target is framed, will receive false information. Cannot track Godfather.

    Executioner: Target is always town. If Executioner must suicide due to his target dying at night, his suicide ignores any healing, protection or invulnerability.

    Jailor: A jailed captive will be informed if they are the target of a failed nightkill, roleblock, bus drive or witch attempt.

    Jester: If a Jester is lynched, one of the lynchers will randomly suicide that night. This cannot be healed or prevented in any way.

    Journalist: This Journalist has the same abilities as the Journalist in FMVII, except the Journalist may read the article submitted by the target and add his or her own comments. Role card can be found here - https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showth...796-Role-Cards

    Godfather: Immune to all investigations, including Detectives/Lookouts (an Investigator will place him with a Jester). Immune to night kills. Is not immune to jail executions. Is not immune vigilante day shootings.

    Investigator: These are the Investigation results -

    "Your target knows how to manipulate others. He may be a Jester, or he may be the Godfather."
    "Your target has an aptitude for acquiring information. He may be a Sheriff or Investigator, or he may be a Consigliere."
    "Your target carries an assortment of knives. Hey may be a Doctor, or a Serial Killer."
    "Your target owns weapons. He may be a Jailor or a Vigilante, or a Mafioso. He may also be an Executioner."
    "Your target has an unhealthy obsession with dead bodies. They may be a Coroner or a Janitor, or they may be a Witch."
    "Your target likes to get close to people. They may be a Bodyguard. They may also be an Escort or a Consort."
    "Your target has an aptitude for working behind the scenes. They may be a Lookout. They may also be a Framer, or a Bus Driver."
    "Your target asks a lot of questions. They may be an Amnesiac. Alternatively, they may be a Detective or a Journalist."
    "Your target is paranoid and likes to surround himself with protection. He may be a Veteran or an Armoursmith, or just a Survivor."

    Jailor: Can always jail. Execute ability will only be available if there is a no-lynch. Executing ignores immunities, and the captive will be roleblocked and protected for that night.

    Janitor: Limited to two cleanings. If a cleaning is unsuccessful it will still count towards this limit.

    Lookout: If the target is framed you will receive false information. You will not recognise the Godfather.

    Sheriff: Will be informed if his target a member of the Mafia, or a Serial Killer.

    Serial Killer: Immune at night. Will kill Escorts and Consorts if targeted by them, but will remain blocked for that night. Can still be roleblocked by a jailor.

    Veteran: Can go on alert twice. His attacks do NOT ignore immunities and healing, but when on alert he is immune to all attacks and manipulation.

    Vigilante: Has two shots. Can use one of his shots for a daytime attack; the attack will be carried out as soon as the host sees the command, but only the name of the victim will be declared. The day will carry on as normal, and may include a lynch, and the victim's role will be discovered at night.

    Witch: Can target self. Can make a player target himself. Target will be informed of witching attempt.

    Last Wills: At any time a player can PM me with their last will. The command is '-last will' in the subject line, and the entirety of the body of the message will be posted. If it's too large or unfeasible I will inform you.

    Death Notes: The Godfather, Vigilante and Serial Killer may leave a death note. The Godfather may leave a death note even if he did not personally kill the victim.

    Skip Action: At night, you may choose to PM me '-skip action'. This will let the night end prematurely since it will count as your submitted action. If the Night comes to a natural end, unsubmitted actions will be skipped by default.


    List of Players:

    1. CmG
    2. Deathfire123
    3. TheWaaagh
    4. Borkbot
    5. Zane
    6. Wolfcheese
    7. Kromos
    8. Dust
    9. Guardian
    10. McPwnage
    11. Sumikoko
    12. Jaczac
    13. Fragos
    14. Nick


    Q & A:

    Q: How do you plan on stopping people from editing their posts?
    A: Basically it's a trust issue, I can't stop people from editing their post. However, anyone editing their posts will be seen and dealt with.

    Q: How does the Disguiser work in this game?
    A: Short answer... I hadn't really thought of that because I'd never intended it to be in the actual game. Silly oversight on my part. There is not a disguiser in this game, and it is being removed from the role list.

    Q: Why did this game begin at Night?
    A: Like a game of SC2 Mafia, it's designed to speed things up by giving Mafia a chance to strategize and Town roles to get investigative results before Day 1. I would advise future hosts of M-FM to start on a short day to make the targets of the first night less random, but as it stands I'm happy that this will speed things up. Players may miss out on an opportunity to participate in day chat because they die on the first night, but at least this is shorter and you get to find out where dead chat is

    Q: Can the Doctor heal himself?
    A: No, you shall have to play carefully.

    Q: Will I be notified if I get healed?
    A: Yes, even if you weren't attacked and it wasn't necessary. The Doctor will only be notified of a successful heal.

    Q: Do I have to use my night action?
    A: No. If you wish to use the '-skip command' phrase then this will log as your action and the night can end early. This action is reversible if night has not already ended.

    Q: What do you get notified of at night?
    A: You will be notified if you are; attacked, roleblocked, healed, witched, bussed or blackmailed. If you are given armour you will be told during the day.

    Q: What is the order of night actions?
    A: The same order as FMVII.

    Q: What happens if a player suicides?
    A: No action will be taken until the Night. The following morning, the player will be shown as having committed suicide, and their role will be displayed in the graveyard as per normal. Suicides are only official if they are PMed to me. No night actions may be taken by the player.

    Good luck everyone! We're starting at Night 0. Day 1 will begin 8th December 11pm GMT (unless all actions are submitted early). The Jailor has no captive tonight, but all other role abilities are unlocked.

    Remember, you may not post in this thread until I say so.
    Last edited by ; December 22nd, 2011 at 08:35 PM. Reason: Added extra Q/A
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  2. ISO #2

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Have updated the Q&A and roles list. Have also included the investigation results.
    Last edited by ; December 7th, 2011 at 06:59 PM.
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  3. ISO #3

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Day 1: Unrest in Vittoria

    The sun rose over the town of Vittoria, rays of light creeping through the alleyways and streets of the once peaceful village. The night had been a tense one; the local police had found the courage to stand up to villains in their streets, and onlookers began to realise there would be no escaping the violence until the evil had been vanquished once and for all. The people of Vittoria flocked to the main square, desperate for guidance and hungering for revenge.

    A cry came out from the police station, a mournful wailing tinged with anger. The windows at the back of the station had been peppered with bullets. A body was dragged out and dumped on the floor of the square. The corpse had been pumped full of holes, yet it still clutched a grubby notebook in one hand. Alas it was the body of Jaczac, mercilessly cut down as he was working to bring down the Mafia family.

    More people came running to the commotion in the main square. Cutting through an alleyway, a young boy tripped over something jutting out from an alcove. A dog had begun tugging at the object, and flies circled the area. Inching closer, the young boy suddenly began to vomit. Intestines and flesh littered the ground. The outline of a man could roughly be recognised, his suit ripped apart and a broken mop beside him. A note was left on a nearby wall, clearly written in blood. It read:

    Who wants some rai chu chops?

    When the Police searched the man's home they found cleaning supplies.

    Everyone in Vittoria decided to stay in the main square, looking to find those responsible. While the crowd waited the local newspaper was dropped off in the middle of the square for everyone to read.

    Attachment 412

    Editor's Comments:
    Attachment 413

    Hidden Town Power Role
    Hidden Town Power Role
    Hidden Town Power Role
    Hidden Town Power Role
    Hidden Town Power Role

    Serial Killer
    Hidden Neutral
    Godfather (Arminio)
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Armoursmith, Escort, Vigilante, Detective, Veteran, Lookout, Coroner, Journalist, Bus Driver, Bodyguard
    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Jester, Executioner, Witch, Survivor, Amnesiac
    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Framer, Mafioso, Consort, Blackmailer, Janitor, Consigliere

    1 Hidden Mafia Role has been accounted for.
    1 Investigator has been accounted for.


    Jaczac (Investigator): Peppered with bullets in a drive-by shooting. [Night 0]
    Fragos (Janitor (Angelo)): Found dismembered in an alleyway. [Night 0]


    Jaczac's Last Will:

    Im crying tears of joy over not being cit.

    Fragos' Last Will:

    Fragos did not leave a last will.


    Day 1 will end 9th December, 00.00am (Midnight) GMT.

    Day 1 has now begun, you may begin posting if you are still alive.

    7 votes are needed for a lynch. Please keep a tally.

    Only votes in Red will be counted.
    Last edited by ; December 8th, 2011 at 11:16 AM.
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  4. ISO #4

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Well folks let's get down to business WHO IS THAT MAFIA!
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  5. ISO #5

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Come and stab them all

    Good job there serial killer! 1 Maf down 2 to go keep the good work up!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Well it could have been a worse start. Guess the janitor was saving up.
    FM6: Assassin | FM8: Citizen (Chef) | FM9: Drunkard/Teacher (Nikita) | FM10: Town Thief (Procyon) - Best Night Actions
    M-FM1: Coroner | M-FM2: Lookout | M-FM3: Framer | M-FM6: Acolyte
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalier View Post
    I don't think someone named wolfcheese has a clean head.

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    I think the janitor didn't get his trash out on schedule, and bumped into bad strangers at night. Bad luck for him. The interview came out too late.

    I also think Sumikoko has a lot of explaining to do.

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by McPwnage View Post
    There's an escort, I was roleblocked
    could be consort
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  13. ISO #13

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    I'm a bit confused about the journalist. There was no day for him to select an interviewee. Did he get to pick at the start of the night, or is he talking in the article himself?
    FM6: Assassin | FM8: Citizen (Chef) | FM9: Drunkard/Teacher (Nikita) | FM10: Town Thief (Procyon) - Best Night Actions
    M-FM1: Coroner | M-FM2: Lookout | M-FM3: Framer | M-FM6: Acolyte
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalier View Post
    I don't think someone named wolfcheese has a clean head.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by wolfcheese View Post
    I'm a bit confused about the journalist. There was no day for him to select an interviewee. Did he get to pick at the start of the night, or is he talking in the article himself?
    The Journalist was allowed to pick someone during the night. Only the Jailor was unable to use his ability.
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  15. ISO #15

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Okie dokie. Another question: What are Arminio's specs? Is he invulnerable to attack? Can he be roleblocked? Can the sheriff find him?
    FM6: Assassin | FM8: Citizen (Chef) | FM9: Drunkard/Teacher (Nikita) | FM10: Town Thief (Procyon) - Best Night Actions
    M-FM1: Coroner | M-FM2: Lookout | M-FM3: Framer | M-FM6: Acolyte
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalier View Post
    I don't think someone named wolfcheese has a clean head.

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by wolfcheese View Post
    What are Arminio's specs? Is he invulnerable to attack? Can he be roleblocked? Can the sheriff find him?
    My apologies, they were supposed to be in the role list & rules. Check back there now.
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  18. ISO #18

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Zane View Post
    -vote CmG
    you mad son?

    also our reporter claims to be female.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  19. ISO #19

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    I hope the journalist will tell us her investigation results today. If she is still alive.

    I don't really think Sumikoko is a Witch. I think she might be the Serial Killer.

    I also feel that we should get the eyewitness to testify against Sumikoko.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    We also know that Investigator is dead. And Godfather is happy.
    Last edited by ; December 8th, 2011 at 10:53 AM. Reason: Change color

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1


    Nick please do not edit your posts for any reason.
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    I'm a kind person. I have a lot of experience, in healing animals.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Luna View Post

    Nick please do not edit your posts for any reason.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWaaagh View Post
    Well until someone speaks up with results, here's my analysis, inspired by Deathfire:

    McPwnage says an escort visited him. Why didn't he say consort? Answer: He knows there's no consort. Why? Because HE IS MAFIA.

    Vote McPwnage
    This! Also i wanna know if he comes aback after 3 days just to see how fucked up all has become

    vote McPwnage

    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    We need 7 votes for justice to be done!

  30. ISO #30

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Vote Tally: Please keep this updated.

    Only votes in Red will be counted.

    McPwnage (2) - TheWaaagh, CmG
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  31. ISO #31

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    McPwnage should explain why he is not sharing his Escort with us. I'm not pleased!

    He does not see me as friend!

    vote McPwnage

    McPwnage (3) - TheWaaagh, CmG , Nick

  32. ISO #32

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Waaagh is rushing to a lynch, this is suspicious, dont follow the wagon yet, we still have a lot of time for discussion
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  33. ISO #33

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Deathfire123 sounds wise. I think I should listen to Deathfire123.

    unvote McPwnage

    McPwnage (2) - TheWaaagh, CmG

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWaaagh View Post
    Like I said, if someone else has information, I'm open to reason. But as of right now, I'm pretty sure McPwnage slipped up.
    Dont take too much from slip ups like that, it COULD actually be a slip up, and you should note it down, but actually acting on it is a bit too much of an overreaction at this point in the game if you ask me.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  37. ISO #37

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    McPwnage (2) - TheWaaagh, CmG

    Nick (1) - Borkbot
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  38. ISO #38

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Virgin Mary has reminded us to update the vote tally. Borkbot should listen.

    Borkbot didn't follow. So Borkbot bad.

    vote Borkbot

    McPwnage (2) - TheWaaagh, CmG

    Nick (1) - Borkbot

    Borkbot (1) - Nick

  39. ISO #39

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    @Deathfire: True, and I guess if I die tonight you'll know who to lynch.

    @Borkbot: I absolutely love your reasoning, and Nick is very wishy washy about who he votes for which is interesting, but I still think McPwnage is the better target.

    Vote Tally
    McPwnage (2) - TheWaaagh, CmG
    Nick (1) - BorkBot
    BorkBot (1) - Nick

    Luna! I just took the time to add the vote tally to my post and then I see you did it anyway. Stop macking on my kool-aid, yo.

  40. ISO #40

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    I agree with deathfire. If no one has a lead then...

    vote skip day

    Vote Tally
    McPwnage (2) - TheWaaagh, CmG
    Nick (1) - BorkBot
    BorkBot (1) - Nick
    Skip day (1) - wolfcheese
    FM6: Assassin | FM8: Citizen (Chef) | FM9: Drunkard/Teacher (Nikita) | FM10: Town Thief (Procyon) - Best Night Actions
    M-FM1: Coroner | M-FM2: Lookout | M-FM3: Framer | M-FM6: Acolyte
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalier View Post
    I don't think someone named wolfcheese has a clean head.

  41. ISO #41

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    What a tangled web of votes we weave...
    FM6: Assassin | FM8: Citizen (Chef) | FM9: Drunkard/Teacher (Nikita) | FM10: Town Thief (Procyon) - Best Night Actions
    M-FM1: Coroner | M-FM2: Lookout | M-FM3: Framer | M-FM6: Acolyte
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalier View Post
    I don't think someone named wolfcheese has a clean head.

  42. ISO #42

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Deathfire123 View Post
    Waaagh is rushing to a lynch, this is suspicious, dont follow the wagon yet, we still have a lot of time for discussion
    TheWaaagh seems unorcy!

    he seems like a rocket surgoen to me! I wanna hear what he says

    unvote Mcpwnage
    vote TheWaaagh
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    unvote TheWaaagh
    vote BorkBot

    Orcs no ask questions!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  45. ISO #45

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    What do you mean? Orcs always attack first and ask questions later. What TheWaaagh is doing is perfectly in character/
    Oi! Da's right! Da' way I sees it CmG is a filthy lyin' git and needs teachin' a lesson.

    Vote CmG

    Vote Tally

    CmG (1) - TheWaaagh
    Nick (1) - BorkBot
    BorkBot (2) - Nick, CmG
    Skip Day (1) - wolfcheese

    So many different votes, I hope I got that right.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    -Vote CmG

    ​stop it
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    I think everyone needs to calm down. Day has just begun and many people have not been on yet so just wait and see what everyone has to say. Im sure McPwnage will reply to the claims that he slipped up as soon as he gets back, although I admit he looks suspicious.

    wolfcheese's vote to skip day is particularly peculiar as day has only been going on for 2 hours. Why so quick to end it before everyone can have their say?

    CmG (2) - TheWaaagh, Deathfire123
    Nick (1) - BorkBot
    BorkBot (2) - Nick, CmG
    Skip Day (1) - wolfcheese

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50

    Re: M-FM I: Night 0/Day 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Zane View Post
    -vote Kromos

    CmG (2) - TheWaaagh, Deathfire123
    Nick (1) - BorkBot
    BorkBot (2) - Nick, CmG
    Kromos (1) - Zane
    Skip Day (1) - wolfcheese

    Lol, switch to WYSIWYG. Then highlight your vote and press the B at the top to bold it. Then press the A with an arrow and you'll see colors come up. Choose red my son.



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