S-FM 167: Standard - Page 15

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  1. ISO #701

  2. ISO #702

  3. ISO #703

  4. ISO #704

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    [B][COLOR="#FFFFFF"]Consigliere - RLVG
    Consort - Suntax

    To cover up for his scum buddy's laxness, RLVG decided to fill in the gap and claim roleblocked in order to give credence to Suntax's eventual role claim of Escort. If RLVG was 'roleblocked', then this also gives him the perfect excuse to conveniently have no information to share with town and gives him the leeway to claim whatever the hell he likes.

    Why did I assume Consigliere? It's mainly because:

    A) there's been no signs of a Janitor/ Corrupt Journalist.

    B) Between Framer/ Consigliere, I assume that mafia would have an investigative, not a second deceptive, role.
    Lol, no. That's a really bad play and very transparrent.

    The fact that you're actually thinking like that makes me somewhat suspicious of you.
    I'm also reading between the lines and I notice a few things.

    I'd rather lynch Yuki and get a replacement.

    -vote Yukitaka Oni

  5. ISO #705

  6. ISO #706

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Lol, no. That's a really bad play and very transparrent.

    The fact that you're actually thinking like that makes me somewhat suspicious of you.
    I'm also reading between the lines and I notice a few things.

    I'd rather lynch Yuki and get a replacement.

    -vote Yukitaka Oni
    - Claims my line of thinking is 'transparent' and 'really bad play'
    - Claims to have 'noticed a few things'
    - Does not bother to elaborate on any of these ideas nor points out the flaws in my theory

    I'm entertaining the idea because I doubt any mafia would have town-read you strongly enough to roleblock you twice. Escort would not waste two nights on you either.

    Feel free to be more specific at any time.

  7. ISO #707

  8. ISO #708

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    RLVG quit being bad and help us lynch it we can do that tommmorw
    And if he's town?

    You're forgetting that he'll be either replaced, or modkilled for inactivity anyway.

    We're essentially wasting a lynch if that would happen.

    Yuki on the other hand, has some strange interaction with Calix, while being completely uncontributive to the game. The most contribution ever made was sheeping.

  9. ISO #709

  10. ISO #710

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    And if he's town?

    You're forgetting that he'll be either replaced, or modkilled for inactivity anyway.

    We're essentially wasting a lynch if that would happen.

    Yuki on the other hand, has some strange interaction with Calix, while being completely uncontributive to the game. The most contribution ever made was sheeping.
    I've been trying to get Yuki lynched for the best part of the day. Clearly we are aligned because leading the lynch on a mafia member at this stage is the optimal move.

    Yes, I was supporting your idea of not hammering yet. I don't know why you took that comment to be some sort of insult.

  11. ISO #711

  12. ISO #712

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    some sort of insult.
    Oh I'm so triggered right now.
    (Seriously though, insulted? Lol no)

    Anyway, you're a bit difficult to read. You tend to quote once or twice and then post everything from thoughts to side comments, sometimes out of context.
    Can you be a little more... Contex-ty? (Invented a new word, go with it)

  13. ISO #713

  14. ISO #714

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Oh I'm so triggered right now.
    (Seriously though, insulted? Lol no)

    Anyway, you're a bit difficult to read. You tend to quote once or twice and then post everything from thoughts to side comments, sometimes out of context.
    Can you be a little more... Contex-ty? (Invented a new word, go with it)
    The 'quoting once' thing is because of this:

    - Picks a quote I want to comment on
    - Comment on quote
    - Clicks 'post' and sees new comments
    - Too lazy to make a new post with the other relevant quotes, so adds comments in the original post

    It's not like I can make up some bullshit that's been said before and pass that off as an argument. Twice now (I think) I've been called out on misreading/ remembering what was said in a post (by Toadette and Zekrom).

    @SuperJack, could you try and ask ika why he's so pro-lynch and anti-discussion? I recall him calling me 'too passive' 'if I was town' when I didn't lynch straight away on Day 2.

  15. ISO #715

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    I didn't specify it in my post but that is what ment.

    I don't want get in another discussion about ikas method of play since it may lead to personal attacks. If we want him to play and find out his alignment we need to pressure him. If he refuses to its because he is Scum, he's admitted he makes slips far to easily in the past and that is why he lurks because that's the only play he is capable of.

    As town in primeminister he made attempts as town to play until he didn't read the rules.

    -vote Ika
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  16. ISO #716

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    I didn't specify it in my post but that is what ment.

    I don't want get in another discussion about ikas method of play since it may lead to personal attacks. If we want him to play and find out his alignment we need to pressure him. If he refuses to its because he is Scum, he's admitted he makes slips far to easily in the past and that is why he lurks because that's the only play he is capable of.

    As town in primeminister he made attempts as town to play until he didn't read the rules.

    -vote Ika
    Is he even online right now? I can never tell with that bloody 'invisible' feature and if he's gone for the night, he'll be likely to ignore your comments outright when he reappears.

    That Prime Minister game was the first one I ever read on this forum when I had absolutely no clue who any of you were :')

  17. ISO #717

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Is he even online right now? I can never tell with that bloody 'invisible' feature and if he's gone for the night, he'll be likely to ignore your comments outright when he reappears.

    That Prime Minister game was the first one I ever read on this forum when I had absolutely no clue who any of you were :')
    I feel special!

    Ika is an active person. Always popping unless he "forgets" no doubt he will see it, but weather he tries is another story. He needs to be pressured to talk.
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  18. ISO #718

  19. ISO #719

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Hello Suntax. You are on the closest thing we have to a trial.

    We would like the following...


    Night actions:

    Reasons for night actions:

    Softclaims (if applicable):

    A comprehensive list of reads:

    A response to the points raised in the ISOs that SuperJack and I made:

  20. ISO #720

  21. ISO #721

  22. ISO #722

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    If RLVG's online, I'd prefer to talk to them first before anyone hammers.
    Tlak fast

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    And if he's town?

    You're forgetting that he'll be either replaced, or modkilled for inactivity anyway.

    We're essentially wasting a lynch if that would happen.

    Yuki on the other hand, has some strange interaction with Calix, while being completely uncontributive to the game. The most contribution ever made was sheeping.
    all of that gets freuted if he flips scum ya know....

    i mean we cna do it today but can we do it tommorw if its not handled?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Lol, Ika responded to my post that happened less than 30min ago.
    you know im always here for you buddy

    nongame: pm me back about that idea i told you about

  23. ISO #723

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Here you go.

    @SuperJack, if you think pressuring ika is a good idea, then you can get on with preparing the prosecution. Meanwhile, I'm going to focus on suntax. Double-pronged attacks are the best attacks.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Spoiler : Zekrom :

    I highlighted names. I would like to pressure Suntax. I want to know why he buddied Zek so hard.

    -vote Suntax
    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Fuck whatever discussion I'm disrupting. A WILD ISO APPEARS:

    I hope these quotes actually work.

    [context: a response to an argument about the benefits of lynching]

    - "there are pros and cons [for lynching]" - Empty fluff that inflates the post length

    - Poor reasoning for a lynch (focuses on still having a majority, not a fantastic argument if I've ever heard one)

    - Vague labels for who he wants lynched. He does not mention any names on his own. Some buzzwords used with little elaboration on why focusing on them is important

    [context: in response to a question asking for his scum-reads]

    - Thinks Yukitaka is the best target for a Day 1 lynch. Since he's new, he is unlikely to be aware that this is Yukitaka's usual schtick. His focus on the lurkers (aka, a policy lynch) strikes me as a null read (lurkers can be game-breaking little shits, it is largely agreed).

    - Claims RLVG and ika are scum, does not elaborate on what about their posts is giving him scummy vibes.

    - Gives an argument against Iced using reasoning that already appears in the thread (indirect sheeping, perhaps?). Brushes everyone else off as a neutral - the tactic of lazy scum or inattentive town alike.

    [context: in response to a question on who he would vote/ town reads] - Note that he plays reactively, only giving information when prompted. This may be a feature of his playing style, however.

    - Not only suspects Yuki (normal behaviour), but thinks they are the best lynch candidate despite superior evidence against Mikecall (took place after he flailed and give up). He then proceeds to vote Yuki, claiming that he would switch back to Mikecall later (a promise he did not live up to).

    - Says I am his best town read. Possible. It should be noted that I'm the person asking him the questions, so it can be interpreted as flattery to stroke my ego.

    - His notorious 'Zekrom is legit m8s' post is here. He claims Zekrom's posts are 'vital' (wicked hyperbole) and contain 'interesting' analysis (flattery or bigging up a team mate). I would say that Zekrom's contribution has been generic thus far and not worthy of such praise.

    [context: after Frog had posted his reads]

    Firstly, who the hell forgets about Frog, one of the most active posters town had? Secondly, it comes across as buddying up to an experienced town in order to throw shade on them later when Suntax flips scum. It's enough of a scummy staple tactic for me to believe he was trying it.

    [context: in response to queries about why he voted Yuki and why he's dropped his town read on Zekrom]

    - Defends his vote 'to put across his point'? That's not helpful when we don't really know what his point is. This is where he outright claims to switch to the main lynch train and does not.

    - Zekrom is town because he gave more information to analyse than Yuki, ika, toadette. I'm not great with logic or debates, but I'm pretty sure that's some form of false equivalence (these people are scummier, so Zekrom is town is basically his argument).

    - Is hesitant about Toadette. I'm reading this as a potential town who doesn't know what to say to Toadette's minimalist posts. A more opportunistic scum would try and make more of a case against her.

    - His next post asks what an iso is; a perfectly legit question. However, he never makes an ISO or brings up this point again.

    - Shit-post. Plays right along with Yuki, his main suspect (supposedly)

    - Repeat of whatever logical failing this falls under. Town-tells, you're doing it wrong.

    Correct: This person has done X, Y and Z townie things which benefit town in this manner and can potentially hurt scum due to A, D and F. They are most likely town.

    Incorrect: This person is less scummy and has 'better posts' (whatever this means; I'm assuming he thinks quantity>quality) than A, B, C and D, so he is really likely to be town.

    - Wants people to know he'll be offline and unable to answer questions. Nothing much to see here.

    [context: POD revealed as Detective; Zekrom claims Sheriff under some voting pressure]

    - In light of his other posts, I read this as a scum who is eager to draw out two TPRs (since POD is now legit, I guess) so Doctor is stretched thin. He also claims that a counter-claim is the ONLY way that we can determine how scummy Zekrom is.

    - Sheeps onto the flawed idea of Frog being Actress using the reasoning suggested by RLVG and myself. It's not a terrible point, I have to admit.

    - Makes a point I agree with about the stupidity of fast lynching (literally no reason to do this whatsoever).

    - Who gives a shit about an EXECUTIONER'S Last Will? He is almost as uninformed as us townie plebs and isn't town. Possible diversion tactic; Frog's flip and how this affects the posts he made would have been more useful to debate.

    - Claims his opinion on Zekrom is a fact? It doesn't explain his Day 1 buddying.

    - Makes a valid point in the shit argument that I presented, but this is undermined by his continued rationalization of Zekrom being 'the least evil' as a reason to town-read someone.

    - If we have a Detective, then Sheriff isn't insta-guaranteed. Most of the players have been online and seen his claim, so time will tell wherever any counters him or not. I think it's a point that town would make, however.

    Conclusion: Either a new town who's unaware of how suspicious their posts are or a scum that is playing the game straight and trying to lie low. Discuss.

  24. ISO #724

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    Ive got a half hour till i board my flight, so if you have the time and want me to answer those posts you were going to locate yesterday, ilget on it. -nottodetractfromsuntax'squestioning
    It'll probably take me half an hour to find the posts since quoting is a bitch. You can read my post whenever it arrives and contemplate about your answers on the plane /not an entirely serious suggestion

  25. ISO #725

  26. ISO #726

  27. ISO #727

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    didnt we have an iso feature for a while?
    A friend shown me how ISO worked in a different Mafia scum.
    Semi-nope, we never had that feature here. All we have is advanced search.

    This is your "ISO", Ika.
    It mixes with every thread and doesn't make it exclusive to this thread, as well posts are cut just like when viewing posts from profile page.

  28. ISO #728

  29. ISO #729

  30. ISO #730

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    All good, il respond at my earliest convenience, id like to atleast have this cleared up before day end
    Upon further review, you're correct that most of the accusations about you were made on Day 0, which you've already refused.

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post

    Scummy. Manipulation of analysis.
    Then there's this quote posted after you posted your reads, but you and ika already had at this.

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    cool iced is claiming scum
    Congratulations! You have practically nothing to refute. Good to have that misunderstanding of mine corrected.

  31. ISO #731

  32. ISO #732

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Thank you rlvg

    Superjack to answer my buddying it was not a case of buddying but a case of i needed to choose a town player at that time and in the mist of everything I completely forgot about many players frog being one which I added to my list later on but at that time I was choosing the lesser of two evils with zekrom

  33. ISO #733

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    didnt we have an iso feature for a while?

    how hard would it be to make something like that?

    calix whats your read on me?
    Nah, I've had to use the 'view forum posts' feature. If there's one thing I would suggest as an improvement, it would be to add a feature where all posts made in a particular forum (game) by one player could be isolated, since ISOs are more time-consuming with players who frequently post in the other forum areas.

    @ika, I have you pegged as a reckless town who is weirdly focused on lynch, lynch, lynch as if we're meeting a factory quota.

  34. ISO #734

  35. ISO #735

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by Suntax View Post
    Thank you rlvg

    Superjack to answer my buddying it was not a case of buddying but a case of i needed to choose a town player at that time and in the mist of everything I completely forgot about many players frog being one which I added to my list later on but at that time I was choosing the lesser of two evils with zekrom
    Just before anyone prematurely takes issue with the use of the word 'needed to choose a town player', the context is that I asked him for his town reads.

    Now any responses to this post can be posted with that in mind.

  36. ISO #736

  37. ISO #737

  38. ISO #738

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    It ain't a freudian slip nor a softclaim.
    ...or it is and you're trying to get the Consort to fuck off.

    Or maybe I believe you and I just said that it was a softclaim to make the Consort roleblock someone (I'll spell it out; I mean you) who isn't a Vigilante ;)

  39. ISO #739

  40. ISO #740

  41. ISO #741

  42. ISO #742

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    I'll suppose I shall witness that for myself.

    Anyway, I think we're veering away from the specifics a bit, so let's get back on track. I doubt Suntax will appreciate hitting 'Post' and seeing all of these spanking new posts that don't contribute a lot to this game in particular. Unless you have any other thoughts, I'll let Suntax speak for himself.

  43. ISO #743

  44. ISO #744

  45. ISO #745

  46. ISO #746

  47. ISO #747

  48. ISO #748

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    anyway can we lynch now?
    In fact, why are you so in favour of blindly lynching without considering the person's defense? You did it with Mikecall, continued the behaviour to an extent with Zekrom and now you are actively trying to hinder our ability to make an informed lynch.

    You have yet to give insight into your thoughts processes here. Explanation, please.

    @Suntax, I made a post with what I wanted as a defense. Role claim, night actions and an explanation/ justification for those night actions included.

  49. ISO #749

    Re: S-FM 167: Standard

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Hello Suntax. You are on the closest thing we have to a trial.

    We would like the following...


    Night actions:

    Reasons for night actions:

    Softclaims (if applicable):

    A comprehensive list of reads:

    A response to the points raised in the ISOs that SuperJack and I made:
    For your convenience.

    The ISOs are most likely a page or two back. They're hard to miss.

  50. ISO #750



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