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Thread: Feedback

  1. ISO #1


    Wasn't sure if I should post this under an already created topic, but I just wanted to give you some feedback on your awesome mod.

    1. If the game is lagging, when people talk in that specific chat, you can see their Starcraft 2 names and their colors that they are in the game. Not sure if you can do anything about this, but it would be really nice if the colors weren't representative of their chosen Mafia names in that chat.

    2. Sometimes when the camera pans at night, it cuts through terrain. I really like it that the camera pans, but it would be cool if it didn't cut through terrain to do it.

    That actually raps up my bugs/complaints. Now for some suggestions.

    3. Would love for more roles, preferably more neutral and mafia roles. Some suggestions for them are:

    Hitman: Can perform a kill outside of the mafia's voted kill, but must rest in between each for a period of time (however many days is balanced, perhaps only 2 kills period or something).
    Drug Dealer: Similar to a prostitute, except that when an investigator or sheriff inspects the person the drug dealer selected to use their ability on they appear to be a member of the mafia or a drug dealer for that night.

    Doppleganger: Randomly assumes another role each night, however they can become any role, even one not picked for the game. For instance, one night can become a doctor to heal someone or then become a serial killer and kill someone.
    Compulsive Gambler: Trades his vote away to a random person during the day for their abilities at night. The person randomly selected is notified during the day that their abilities for that night are gone before it happens and they can take abilities during the first night.

    4. Would love it if there was something to watch during the night scene with all the sounds of murder or whatever. Even if it is just like a group of zerg running down a canyon one way and then a group of marines running after the zerg as they flee back the way they came, then perhaps both groups running as a group of zealots run after them. Anything really, lol

    5. More death animations. I know you said you wanted to put in more. So I have a few suggestions.

    - Death by zergling: person is dropped into a pit with zerglings and killed, then the zerglings are set on fire and killed
    - death by fire: similar to the firing squad, except with firebats
    - Black hole: use the mothership black hole animation and use it to suck someone in and then cut to a blackhole opening in space with the person drifting

    Overall though, fantastic game. I really enjoy it. I hope you continue to develop it and it stays as popular as it is now. I am sure others have suggestions and you must get tons of pms, but thanks for taking any time to read what I said, even if you have already thought of all of it or already know it all.

    Much appreciated.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Feedback

    That also reminds me... when you die... you chat as your real name. It would be less confusing if we kept the town names.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Feedback

    As much as I might be tempted, I cannot make good on every suggestion made. I am certainly adding more deaths and roles, but I don't know if I will use your suggestions. However, the Framer (drug dealer) is probably going to be added.

    I can't do a damn thing about the lag screen, unfortunately. Nor anything about the voice chat. I can change the colors out so that it doesn't show on the lag screen, but that's a fairly insignificant problem for something that will take a lot of effort to do, compared to the fact that dead people can talk on the lag chat. No UI overrides can affect the lag screen or the rest of the UI. A shame, really.

    I'll try to fix up the clipping on the night cam, but that might be impossible because it's just a group of 20 cameras that are randomly picked between each other. The only way around it is to have a huge 20x20 matrix of allowable camera flows and-- no I'm not going there. I'll just move the cameras around to try to minimize that chance.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Feedback

    I have a role suggestion. It's pretty important because it might stop the bangwagon jumping. Throw in the "Fool"

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    As much as I might be tempted, I cannot make good on every suggestion made. I am certainly adding more deaths and roles, but I don't know if I will use your suggestions. However, the Framer (drug dealer) is probably going to be added.

    I can't do a damn thing about the lag screen, unfortunately. Nor anything about the voice chat. I can change the colors out so that it doesn't show on the lag screen, but that's a fairly insignificant problem for something that will take a lot of effort to do, compared to the fact that dead people can talk on the lag chat. No UI overrides can affect the lag screen or the rest of the UI. A shame, really.

    I'll try to fix up the clipping on the night cam, but that might be impossible because it's just a group of 20 cameras that are randomly picked between each other. The only way around it is to have a huge 20x20 matrix of allowable camera flows and-- no I'm not going there. I'll just move the cameras around to try to minimize that chance.
    I understand. I was simply pointing out things I noticed in the hope that they might be fixed. I don't care if you use my suggestions or not, they are there for your discretion. I am glad you responded to me and wish you the best in your continued development of the mod.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Lol you don't have to be even more srs bsns than I am :P
    Serious business? Never! In fact, I suggest you put in a bouncing clown that randomly appears at night and bounces across the screen!

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenkei View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Lol you don't have to be even more srs bsns than I am :P
    Serious business? Never! In fact, I suggest you put in a bouncing clown that randomly appears at night and bounces across the screen!
    Seriously, that would be quite epic.

  9. ISO #9

    Lag Bug

    The game seems fun, but now it's damn boring. I just can't play it because EVERY time I join I keep lagging.

    I'm ok in any other game, just in Mafia it keeps giving me surrender message and saying I'm lagging with a cooldown. When I'm host I cant setup because it blocks me all the time.

    And why do we have to wait so long? Why not just let host setup and give it like 15s cooldown to everybody agree or repick? With 2:30 wait, a lot of ppl leave or keep repicking, increasing cooldown, and I'm kicked for lagging before it starts!!

    After games starts I don't lag at all, I only "lag" during setup cooldown. That's rly VERY boring this bug.

    Sorry for only complaining, but you must fix bugs before adding new features.

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Feedback

    I don't like the idea of having so many roles. Think this game should focus more on discussions. Adding a lot more roles will just make this game confusing and overwhelming.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Feedback

    Yeah, I feel that the game should be more focused on the way people vote, act and talk. Less about oh this person is the cop now we can just follow what he says the whole game and not think ourselves. I try to make games with more citizens but most people hate it. They want all power roles. :\

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by FearMyWrench View Post
    Yeah, I feel that the game should be more focused on the way people vote, act and talk. Less about oh this person is the cop now we can just follow what he says the whole game and not think ourselves. I try to make games with more citizens but most people hate it. They want all power roles. :\
    Yeah, I like having more citizens as well.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Feedback

    I think more roles would be fun. There are only so many players, so it's not like it could get THAT overwhelming. Just don't have too many factions and I think it'll be smooth sailing. I would suggest adding 1-2 more Mafia roles just to make them a bit more diverse and have a few more flavors other than sluts and thugs. I liked the idea of a "Framer" for instance. Distorting other peoples' roles at night to throw the Sheriffs off.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Faceless View Post
    I think more roles would be fun. There are only so many players, so it's not like it could get THAT overwhelming. Just don't have too many factions and I think it'll be smooth sailing. I would suggest adding 1-2 more Mafia roles just to make them a bit more diverse and have a few more flavors other than sluts and thugs. I liked the idea of a "Framer" for instance. Distorting other peoples' roles at night to throw the Sheriffs off.
    The problem with this is that players get upset and leave when they're citizens because it's a role that doesn't really give a big benefit. I mean, a bunch of investigators, sheriffs, vigilantes, doctors, and consorts is a tad too much for one game. Would be nice to have a few roles and then a bunch of citizens.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Feedback

    I think we can avoid the whining of putting citizens in if we give them a usable night ability that doesn't go away after one use. Like, give them some really menial task that they can do to make them feel like they're doing something and that'll calm the masses. I agree that games can be much more fun if there's only a -few- good guy roles and a bunch more citizens. That way it means more when you figure out who the Sheriff is. We just need to identify the problem with citizens and remedy it without ruining the role. Citizen isn't a power role, but it's a boring role. Take away the boring part without adding the power part and I think the problem is solved.

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Feedback

    Yeah that's true. I'm actually not really sure if my suggestion is possible. Maybe give them something that doesn't even make a difference.

    Like the ability to spy on their neighbor. Perhaps they'd reveal that their neighbor is banging the book store cashier, or has a noisy dog. Something amusing and irrelevant along those lines.

    You probably shouldn't take this post seriously at all, just saying.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Feedback

    Wobbuffet here. I love the game, with a strange addiction. As a man with a strong opinion, I feel compelled to post some thoughts here, even if it does not amount to much.

    Starting Game at Night
    Let the default start at night. Nothing of import happens during the day; everyone's just waiting for the next cycle. Also, I've seen inexperienced mafia assume it was night chat and reveal themselves.


    Even if a message log is too difficult to implement, I believe there should be a vote record of some sort. It is rather tedious to need to record the lynches elsewhere as they happen, especially as oftentimes player names and/or colors are similar.

    Endgame Reveal
    After a game, it's not always easy to identify who played which role, due to a high number of role repeats. I suggest linking both names, e.g. Wabuffett (Rick Astley).

    DR's Choice Balance*

    *Redacted, just saw the update.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    All abilities in mafia are power abilities. I can't think of a single thing that isn't powerful.
    The bulletproof vest isn't powerful. The proof is that everyone who's a citizen usually quits the game. Try playing a game with strictly citizens and only some important roles, the game will end before you know it.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Feedback

    Really enjoying the map because it provides such easy setup and quick games. Here's some of my feedback (premised on past experience playing forum mafia).

    Town is really powerful now due to setups commonly favoring 95-100% power roles. I find it really tough playing as Mafia when I get fingered by a Sheriff or Investigator and I can't really lie/gambit my way out of it because players currently are sheep, being led around by the first person to claim Sheriff. I do realize that eventual roles like the Framer, Miller, or Busser will add some ambiguity to night investigations, but it's still a bad precedent to see all these games be power role only. Unfortunately, that may probably be how the pub games play from now on so I can be content with private games organized in the Mafia chat channel.

    One suggestion I have is to make -last will optional (I personally would prefer it defaulted to off). One of the best advantages to a Mafia night kill is to shut people up. In theory, everything happens at the same time at Night. A sheriff finds out Player A is a Hooker, but at the same time, Player B who is Mafioso kills him. Reasonably, there is no way to think the Sheriff has any time to write a last will, but the current map programming gives all the investigations/roleblocks first, then proceeds to the kills. In forum mafia, the general rule is that when you die, you can't say anything else in the forum thread again.

    Another suggestion I have is to possibly refine your -repick option. I think you said the algorithm currently tracks games played and won and prioritize them as -repick options, but if you could go farther and perhaps label certain players with really high game numbers and success (whether it be wins, lack of leaving) as "preferred hosts". It'll pop up and say this person is a preferred host and perhaps prevent people from repicking him or ragequitting if that guy wants to put in civilians. If there's a way to influence the direction of how pub games are setup, having a few preferred hosts would really help. I realize this system can possibly be abused by players who just keep playing over and over real cheesy games or what not, but I think doing so could really help improve the overall pub scene.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Feedback

    Really enjoying the map because it provides such easy setup and quick games. Here's some of my feedback (premised on past experience playing forum mafia).

    Town is really powerful now due to setups commonly favoring 95-100% power roles. I find it really tough playing as Mafia when I get fingered by a Sheriff or Investigator and I can't really lie/gambit my way out of it because players currently are sheep, being led around by the first person to claim Sheriff. I do realize that eventual roles like the Framer, Miller, or Busser will add some ambiguity to night investigations, but it's still a bad precedent to see all these games be power role only. Unfortunately, that may probably be how the pub games play from now on so I can be content with private games organized in the Mafia chat channel.
    It's a little better now with Masons/Survivors, meaning less Sheriffs/Investigators. I agree that with the DR setup (the only one people like it seems) it was really hard to survive as Mafia if you didn't manage to kill a sheriff/investigator or two early. Unfortunately, Masons (one of the new roles) is apparently bugged (according to people I've played with, they can't vote), so there's a tradeoff...

    Another suggestion I have is to possibly refine your -repick option. I think you said the algorithm currently tracks games played and won and prioritize them as -repick options, but if you could go farther and perhaps label certain players with really high game numbers and success (whether it be wins, lack of leaving) as "preferred hosts". It'll pop up and say this person is a preferred host and perhaps prevent people from repicking him or ragequitting if that guy wants to put in civilians. If there's a way to influence the direction of how pub games are setup, having a few preferred hosts would really help. I realize this system can possibly be abused by players who just keep playing over and over real cheesy games or what not, but I think doing so could really help improve the overall pub scene.
    I almost think it might be best if repick goes, IMO, simply because there's always 3-4 people who will repick immediately no matter what, which can cause others to pile on and just cause chaos. I always host and I tell people to host their own game if they don't want night sequences/certain setups/whatever (I never do anything crazy, it's just if you don't follow their EXACT wishes, they repick). Maybe at least find a way to track people who quit and don't let them repick since they're the ones who ruin games in the first place by quitting. At least now I don't have to wait 30 secs to start the game, by which point I've already had like 7 repicks thrown my way, most of them within the first 5 seconds of setup.

    One suggestion I have is to make -last will optional (I personally would prefer it defaulted to off). One of the best advantages to a Mafia night kill is to shut people up. In theory, everything happens at the same time at Night. A sheriff finds out Player A is a Hooker, but at the same time, Player B who is Mafioso kills him. Reasonably, there is no way to think the Sheriff has any time to write a last will, but the current map programming gives all the investigations/roleblocks first, then proceeds to the kills. In forum mafia, the general rule is that when you die, you can't say anything else in the forum thread again.
    I don't think it'll register the last will during the night sequence, at least I can never get it to work. I usually just try it during the day. Last wills are fun, so I hope they stay.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Omgproberush View Post
    I don't think it'll register the last will during the night sequence, at least I can never get it to work. I usually just try it during the day. Last wills are fun, so I hope they stay.
    I haven't gotten a -last will to work yet (I didn't know it was something you could only type in the day). Regardless, I still think it should be a toggle-able option. For instance, one of the exciting parts about being a Sheriff or Investigator in traditional forum mafia games is deciding when to reveal your role. You have all these secrets you've gathered, but there's a chance you can die and never be able to tell anyone. -last will dumbs down that strategy to the point that you'll be able to tell all from the grave. It's a huge inconvenience for the Mafia, because it ensures the only real way to avoid being outted by process of elimination is to Hooker the right people consistently. And there's only 1 hooker to 2 Sheriffs and 2 Investigators on setups.

    -last will is a neat dynamic, but I think very imbalanced against the Mafia.

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Feedback

    That reminds me, I don't know if it's a Bnet problem but I've had my statistics reset a few times now.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoax View Post
    That reminds me, I don't know if it's a Bnet problem but I've had my statistics reset a few times now.
    It's something I think he has to do with certain updates to the map. So it might reset when there's a map update, but in between updates it stays the same.

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoax View Post
    That reminds me, I don't know if it's a Bnet problem but I've had my statistics reset a few times now.
    It's kinda weird. I've seen it happen to a few people and I've seen some records completely fine. ;\
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Feedback

    Just wondering, anyone else see 5 Mafia in a DR Setup (normally 4 mafia)? Just had a game with 5 Mafia (sadly we lost cause 2 of my fellow Mafia members were Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black, guess what happened to them). Wondering if maybe the Random Town role is bugged or something.

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Feedback

    No, I was host and I just run regular DR setup. I'll see if it happens another time.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Feedback

    I think the most balanced setup is as follows:

    1 SK

    1 Godfather
    1 Consigliere
    1 Mafioso
    1 Hooker

    2 Sheriffs (cant detect serial)
    2 Docs
    2 Consorts
    1 Investigator (detects exact role)
    2 Vigilantes

    Can you add this as TK's choice?

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    In reply to your signature: If you leave before the "THE MAFIA HAVE WON" but after the "WE HAVE COME TO A CONCLUSION", no win/loss is recorded.
    Okay good to know, thanks for the response

    Also I have a code for a trial on the SEA servers if you would like it (easily upgradable), to spread the mafia love around.
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Feedback

    What's up with the updating on the EU server? We're lagging behind

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Derpsuke View Post
    I have a role suggestion. It's pretty important because it might stop the bangwagon jumping. Throw in the "Fool"
    Behold the origin of the jester.
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  39. ISO #39



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