-=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

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  1. ISO #1

    -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)

    Experimental S-FM/M-FM?








    Seventh (Marco)

    Seventh (Ai)






    -Post at least once a day, and submit a night action.
    -No smurfs.
    -PMing is not allowed
    -You may leave a last will, and non-town roles may leave a deathnote
    -You may commit suicide

    -Questions in green
    -Codes are allowed, invisible letters or anything "hidden" in a post, is not.
    -You MUST submit night actions at least one hour before day start, and day actions at least one hour before night start.
    -No channels outside of the provided forum threads may be used to communicate about the game.

    -=Role Cards=-

    Spoiler : :

    You were the first person to recieve a future diary.
    Each night you may choose to defend yourself or find the exact identity of another person.
    At night five and after you may choose to attempt to kill a player
    If you attempt to kill second you will be roleblocked
    You win if you are the last surviving player, other than second.

    Spoiler : :

    You were the second to recieve a future diary and are madly in love with first
    You may choose to defend yourself or attempt to kill all visitors to first each night
    You win if first wins
    If first dies your win condition changes to killing firsts killer, if his killer dies from other means you will commit suicide.

    Spoiler : :

    You were the third person to recieve a future diary
    Each night you may attempt to kill someone or defend yourself
    You win if you are the final living player
    Your kills happen first each night

    Spoiler : :

    You were the fourth person to recieve a future diary
    Each night you may choose to defend yourself or learn the exact identity of another player
    You win if third, fifth, ninth, tenth, and second die.
    ​Each day you learn which roles were attacked and by what role the previous night
    At night five and after you may choose to attempt to kill another player

    Spoiler : :

    You were the fifth person to recieve a future diary
    Each night you may attempt to kill someone or defend yourself
    You win if you are the final living player
    If an attempt to kill fails the player will be poisoned and die two nights later regardless of protection, unless you die

    Spoiler : :

    You were the sixth person to recieve a future diary
    Each night you may choose to defend yourself or "mark" a player, they do not know they are marked
    If you visit a target marked by eighth the target will be unmarked and eighth will be alerted
    You win if you have half the living players marked
    You learn the exact roles of anyone who visits you

    Seventh (Marco and Ai)
    Spoiler : :

    You two both received the seventh diary and are the only two players to share a night chat
    Each night Ai may choose to defend marco or find a players exact role while marco may choose to defend Ai or choose a player to fight, roleblocking any non-defense actions
    At and after night seven marco may attempt to kill a player
    If either marco or Ai dies, the other will suicide

    Spoiler : :

    You were the eighth person to recieve a future diary
    Each night you may choose to defend yourself or "mark" a player, they do not know they are marked
    If you visit a target marked by sixth the target will be unmarked and sixth will be alerted
    You win if you have half the living players marked
    You learn the night actions of players you mark

    Spoiler : :

    You were the ninth person to recieve a future diary
    Each night you may place a bomb on a player or defend yourself
    You win if you are the final living player
    If two players with bombs on them visit each-other they both die

    Spoiler : :

    You were the tenth person to recieve a future diary
    At night you may choose to defend yourself, or a target to "sic" your dogs on, they will attack your target one night later and will continue attacking each night until you or your target dies
    You win if you are the final living player
    At any point you may recall your dogs to defend yourself

    Spoiler : :

    You were the eleventh person to recieve a future diary
    You have two auto-use vests
    You win if you are the final living player
    You know all players roles and night actions each night, you have two auto-use vests, and automatically win once there are three players left including yourself.

    Spoiler : :

    You were the twelfth person to recieve a future diary
    Each night you may choose to defend yourself or attempt to kill another player
    You win if third, fifth, ninth, tenth, and second die
    If you attack a player that is not third, fifth, ninth, tenth, or second, your kill will be unsuccessful and you will be roleblocked the next night

    -=Special Mechanics=-
    At day eight, a random player will die
    The game will end at day nine resulting in everyone losing even if they had already fulfilled their win conditions.
    There are no lynches, day is simply a time to talk, those who fail to attend however, will be removed from the game.

    Last edited by Roflcopter; December 3rd, 2012 at 03:38 PM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    I second this.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    There are no "bad guys" just badass characters and their abilities!
    Yea, so everyone wins by themselves?

    colors! COLORS!!!!

    I'll look at the win conditions on the role cards

    EDIT: Them win conditions.... Well this will be one interesting game.
    Last edited by AppleyNO; November 27th, 2012 at 05:32 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Yeah, this is definitely not an S-FM. If only we were allowed to start more complex games with fewer players like an S-FM. If you make this an M-FM I'm not sure who would vote for it since it has a small player list >.<
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    This is brilliantly thought out but the only problem would be that not all the characters are balanced so to speak. Although hard to say for sure since it is only an idea as of right now, it seems as if some of the characters are drastically weaker than others (most notably 11 who can't kill anyone yet needs to be sole survivor and 7 which requires cooperation of 2 players) while others have very easy (such as 8 who can claim their role and act as a survivor). Not sure if this matters in any way but all in all a great idea that should be supported.
    Last edited by marinebase7; November 28th, 2012 at 05:55 AM.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by marinebase7 View Post
    This is brilliantly thought out but the only problem would be that not all the characters are balanced so to speak. Although hard to say for sure since it is only an idea as of right now, it seems as if some of the characters are drastically weaker than others (most notably 11 who can't kill anyone yet needs to be sole survivor and 7 which requires cooperation of 2 players) while others have very easy (such as 8 who can claim their role and act as a survivor). Not sure if this matters in any way but all in all a great idea that should be supported.
    He's right, you gonna be nearly impossible for 11 to win. He's going to have to have 2 other kills kill themselves on the last night in order to win.

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Well if people actually are going to support this, I'll fix up the images and make 11 more winnable!

    And I guess I'll change this to m-fm, though should I re-post this with a different thread name or is there a way to change it?

    Spoiler : :
    S-FM Paranormal Case Studies (Sheriff)

    "Glory only with zerglings and breast implants!!!"
    -Random player on EU

  18. ISO #18

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Roflcopter View Post
    Well if people actually are going to support this, I'll fix up the images and make 11 more winnable!

    And I guess I'll change this to m-fm, though should I re-post this with a different thread name or is there a way to change it?
    need mod powers to edit names.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Roflcopter View Post
    Well i'd rather keep this as an S-FM since it has 13 players but if it's too advanced for S-FM then
    Well, I think its a S-FM. A really fun S-FM...

    Lets hope Bork believes that.... >.> <.< >.>
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post
    Well, I think its a S-FM. A really fun S-FM...

    Lets hope Bork believes that.... >.> <.< >.>
    I propose we make a new type of FM called SM-FM. This will be Small-Mini-Forum Mafia.
    Waiting on the M-FM list will not be required! Just don't eff up ur game and make pplz mad! Ulike? Vote today! Let's make a stand and a change! A vote for me is a vote for change!
    Official Thread Coming Soon™
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  22. ISO #22

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    I propose we make a new type of FM called SM-FM. This will be Small-Mini-Forum Mafia.
    Waiting on the M-FM list will not be required! Just don't eff up ur game and make pplz mad! Ulike? Vote today! Let's make a stand and a change! A vote for me is a vote for change!
    Official Thread Coming Soon™
    Blazer 2013.
    Blazer is running for reelection.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: -=S-FM=- Mirai Nikki/Future Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post
    Blazer 2013.
    Blazer is running for reelection.
    Yes, my wonderful subjects have put me in a position of responsibility. (Whether that was wise or not will not be discussed) I took this to heart and tried my best to instill the ideas of the community into the governing body of this forum. There have been many changes during my term as promised. (Whether or not they were good changes or not will not be discussed) However, my term is up and voting will be held yet again! Please follow me once again as we strive to give Mirai Nikki the opportunity it deserves! (By the way, if you screw up hosting this game, everyone will hate you forever because Marai Nikki is an awesome anime, with awesome characters, and an awesome story. ♥Yuno)

    If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them. My Public Representative is also available should I be too hard to contact.
    Thank you and May the Force be with you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27



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