View Full Version : Doctor alliance

May 27th, 2011, 06:55 PM
I just finnished a game in which the final 4 was 2 doctors, a SK, and the GF. By all rights, the SK or GF should have won, if it wasnt for 1 thing; the 2 doctors were on voice chat and knew the others role. Because of this, doctors won be default. As a couter to something extreamly simmilar 2 this happening again, I propose that if 2 people try 2 kill the same person, that person dies, even if protected by doctor. People might not like it, but it adds the extra strategy of a mafia-SK alliance. If people have a different solution, please post it/

May 27th, 2011, 07:00 PM
If two people attack someone they don't get healed through it.

May 27th, 2011, 07:12 PM
Unnecessary. There must be equal number of doctor heals to attacks for someone to survive. The GF and SK must not have attacked the same person.

May 27th, 2011, 09:20 PM
I'm confused. Is the OP saying that if 2 people try to kill someone at night, that person should die EVEN IF multiple docs heal the target? If so, terrible idea; the way it is now is balanced, especially if the docs reveal to each other via PM and heal a common ally (e.g. sheriff who has revealed, and will be targeted by multiple killing roles).

If he's saying that 2 kills should override 1 heal, it already does, and OP doesn't understand healing mechanics. OP: if 2 people attack, 2 docs are required to heal for the person to live. Think of it was HP - attack is -1 hp, heal is +1 (that's how I've seen other people put it, and it seems like the best way of summarizing it).

May 27th, 2011, 09:23 PM
I was unaware that if more people tried to kill someone then their were docs trying to protect them, they would die.
Current way seems fare 8)