Player Reporting

From MafiaWiki
Revision as of 11:34, 12 April 2013 by The747beast (Talk | contribs) (Report Format: the next two days, not the next two games. Also, report will be ignored if you don't attach a replay)

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How To Write A Report


Report Format

Step 1: Create a thread in the Mafia Player Reports section of the forum (Use this link). You will have to be signed in as a user on the forum or your report will be ignored.

Step 2: Set the thread prefix to whichever crime you are reporting the user of.

(see the list of crimes on the Rules page)

Step 3: Make the thread subject according to the following template:

Offender Username: #-S2-1-#######
JoeGreen: 1-S2-1-1234567
Example(Multiple Offenders):
JoeGreen: 1-S2-1-1234567, Tinny: 1-S2-1-7654321

Step 4: Paste the following into the body of the thread and then fill in the form:

[b]Account Name:[/b]
[b]Account ID:[/b]
[b]In-Game Name:[/b]

[b]Crimes Committed:[/b]

[b]Your Account Name:[/b]
[b]Account Name:[/b] JoeGreen
[b]Account ID:[/b] 1-S2-1-1234567
[b]In-Game Name:[/b] Pelvic Thrust

[b]Crimes Committed:[/b] Game-Throwing

[b]Your Account Name:[/b] DarkRevenant
[b]Summary:[/b] At the beginning of the game, he repeatedly posted the names of all of the Mafia, then left. The Mafia were then lynched on the following two days. Clearly, this is a cut-and-dry case of game-throwing.
Example(Multiple Offenders):
[b]Account Name:[/b] JoeGreen
[b]Account ID:[/b] 1-S2-1-1234567
[b]In-Game Name:[/b] Pelvic Thrust

[b]Account Name:[/b] Tinny
[b]Account ID:[/b] 1-S2-1-7654321
[b]In-Game Name:[/b] Johnny Ballz

[b]Crimes Committed:[/b] Skyping

[b]Your Account Name:[/b] DarkRevenant
[b]Summary:[/b] They heal each other continuously starting from Night 1. Ignoring better heal targets such as the confirmed Sheriff and Mayor. They admit they are skyping at the end.

Step 5: (IMPORTANT!) Attach a replay of the game in which this player committed the crime(s).

Your report will be ignored if you do not have a replay!

StarCraft II keeps the last 25 replays that have not been saved by you, so if you forgot to create a named replay in-game, you can still find it.

It is generally better to save the replay in the StarCraftII client with a unique file name so you can easily locate it instead of remembering which

  -Mafia- (#)

replay the crime occurs in.

Unsaved replays can be found in

\Documents\StarCraft II\Accounts\#######\#-S2-1-#######\Replays\Unsaved\Multiplayer
\Users\"Your username here"\Library\Application Support\Blizzard\Starcraft II\Accounts\######\#-S2-#-#######\Replays\Unsaved\Multiplayer\

Note to users of Mac OS X 10.7 and above:
The library folder is hidden in Finder by default; to un-hide it, open the terminal and copy and paste in "chflags nohidden ~/Library/" without the quotation marks and press enter. The Terminal application is located in the "\Applications\Utilities\" directory

Another way to get to the StarCraftII folder is to use the "Go To Folder" feature. Open Finder and click "Go" on the top, scroll to "Go To Folder..." and open it. Copy paste in "~/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/StarCraft II/" without the quotation marks. Then go into \Accounts\#######\#-S2-1-#######\Replays\Unsaved\Multiplayer[

Saved replays will be found in the

  \StarCraft II\Accounts\#######\#-S2-1-#######\Replays\Multiplayer\

folder in both Mac OS X and Windows. If you wish to study the replay yourself make sure to view it in a player's perspective.

Step 6: (Optional) It is recommend that you attach screenshots (especially with stuff circled, and other annotations) of the crime occurring.

Step 7: Post the report and wait for a moderator response.