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Affiliation Mafia
Summary The leader of organized crime
Goal Kill off the Town and everyone else who would oppose you.
Has Night Ability? Yes
Abilities Order to kill, Kill
Categories Mafia Killing
Investigation Results
Sheriff Mafia

When Immune to Detection:
Not Suspicious
Investigator Your target seems to be highly charismatic; therefore, you conclude that they are the Mayor, the Mason Leader, the Godfather, or at least a lowly Jester.

When Immune to Detection:
You discover nothing of importance, suggesting that your target is as unsuspicious as a Citizen, Survivor, or a bedridden Amnesiac.


The Godfather is the most malleable role in Mafia with regards the Host's settings and hence can be the most powerful role or one of the weakest roles depending on the setup's demands. The role has the final say on the Mafia's kill options at night and depending on the settings may also kill like a Mafioso.


  • The strategy of the Godfather is mostly dictated by the settings however the ability to control the Mafia regardless is a powerful and unique role. The Godfather is the governing body of the Mafia and essentially has the final say on the overall strategy the Mafia decides to use. (See Also: Mafia Strategies)
  • Having a Godfather reveal one of it's Mafia members to the Town is a controversial yet often highly effective strategy. If the Godfather is immune to detection it may be able to gain trust and solidify it's position as a trusted "Town" member.
  • Not killing at night deliberately is a risky strategy that can often boast high rewards in a game with Escorts or potentially just waste a night. It may cause an Escort to speak up and out the person they role-blocked as a member of the Mafia, possibly lynching a Town member as well as determining who can block the Mafioso.
  • Advanced strategy: If there is the potential for more than one Doctor to be in play, the Mafia may be able to bluff having one of it's members having been healed by a Doctor if they did not kill that night. This essentially clears that player as a member of the Town.


  • Invulnerable at night - (Default = On)
  • Cannot be Role-blocked - (Default = Off)
  • Immune to detection - (Default = On)
  • Can kill without Mafioso - (Default = On)


  • When immune to detection a Godfather will show up as "not suspicious" to an Investigator, potentially revealing the Godfather to be Mafia if there are no Citizens in the game.
  • When immune to detection a Godfather will show up as inactive to Detectives, unless the Detective's "Ignore detection immunity" option is enabled.
  • There can only be one Godfather at a time in a game. (See Unique Roles)
  • Consiglieres may become Godfather if the original Godfather dies.
  • If there is a Mafioso in play, his death note will be used instead of yours.
  • If the Godfather's target is healed by a Doctor, there is no feedback given.
Town Bodyguard, Bus Driver, Citizen, Coroner, Crier, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Investigator, Jailor, Lookout, Marshall, Mason, Mason Leader, Mayor, Sheriff, Spy, Stump, Veteran, Vigilante
Mafia Actress, Agent, Beguiler, Blackmailer, Caporegime, Consigliere, Consort, Disguiser, Framer, Godfather, Heartbreaker, Janitor, Kidnapper, Mafioso, Soldato
Triad Administrator, Deceiver, Diva, Dragon Head, Enforcer, Forger, Incense Master, Informant, Interrogator, Liaison, Silencer, Vanguard
Neutral Amnesiac, Arsonist, Auditor, Cultist, Electromaniac, Executioner, Jester, Judge, Lover, Mass Murderer, Poisoner, Scumbag, Serial Killer, Survivor, Witch, Witch Doctor