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Affiliation Town
Summary A dirty cop who will ignore the law and order to enact justice
Goal Lynch every criminal and evildoer
Has Night Ability? Yes
Abilities Kill one target at night
Categories Town Killing
Investigation Results
Sheriff Not Suspicious
Investigator Your target owns weapons and spends his nights trying to kill people; therefore, they are a Mafioso or a Serial Killer, but could also be just a Vigilante.


The Vigilante is a dirty-cop aligned with the Town and is one of three Town roles with the ability to kill someone at night. As such, the Vigilante is crucial when it comes to helping tip the balance in the Town's favor. The roles has the ability to kill a target at night.


  • Always be extremely diligent in determining the target, most of the time it's better to not shoot at all. Never shoot unless there is significant evidence to suggest doing so such as multiple Sheriffs revealing Mafia-aligned players during the day, one player can be lynched and the other one killed by a Vigilante at night. A player remaining silent may be grounds for questioning, however killing them is generally not advised as they may simply be a Doctor trying to lay low.
  • As a Vigilante, it is imperative that absolute attention be payed to the way players speak, often players will drop hints that they are lying, or get caught in a lie and it is the Vigilante's duty to notice this when no one else does. Often Consiglieres will attempt to play the role of an Investigator and perhaps noticing that they only announce Neutral roles, or after they outed the Serial Killer how they seem to only seem to investigate the target's dying every turn will reveal them to not truly be trying to benefit the Town.
  • When attacking a target at night, if the target is immune the message "Your target is immune at night" will be displayed, this means that the target is not friendly to the Town and is either a Godfather or Evil role who is immune at night. This probably should be told to the town immediately as both of these roles are enormous threats.
    • However, this message also appears on a Survivor or Citizen who put on bulletproof vests, so caution must be exercised when condemning players for their immunity.
    • An Executioner can also be immune at night depending on the setup.
  • It is best to reveal if a Witch is controlling you. If the Town has an Escort, you can be role-blocked to prevent further deaths, or have the Bus Driver prevent the Witch from controlling you.
  • Watch other players' voting pattern; if the Vigilante notices someone voting to lynch frequently and only after other people start to the vote (especially if they do not state any reasoning), they maybe are more likely to be Mafia or Evil neutrals.


  • Number of Shots 1 - (Default: Off)
  • Number of Shots 2 - (Default: On)
  • Number of Shots 3 - (Default: Off)
  • Number of Shots 4 - (Default: Off)

If no options are checked, the Vigilante will have no limit on the amount of shots he can take.


  • Even if the target survives the night by means of a Doctor, Bulletproof Vest or Night Immunity the shot will still be used up.
  • If the message "The Target is immune at night" is displayed the target is either:
  • If the target survives the Vigilante shot and no feedback message was given, then he or she was healed by a Doctor.
  • Vigilantes cannot kill other players on the first night, unless controlled by the Witch.
Town Bodyguard, Bus Driver, Citizen, Coroner, Crier, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Investigator, Jailor, Lookout, Marshall, Mason, Mason Leader, Mayor, Sheriff, Spy, Stump, Veteran, Vigilante
Mafia Actress, Agent, Beguiler, Blackmailer, Caporegime, Consigliere, Consort, Disguiser, Framer, Godfather, Heartbreaker, Janitor, Kidnapper, Mafioso, Soldato
Triad Administrator, Deceiver, Diva, Dragon Head, Enforcer, Forger, Incense Master, Informant, Interrogator, Liaison, Silencer, Vanguard
Neutral Amnesiac, Arsonist, Auditor, Cultist, Electromaniac, Executioner, Jester, Judge, Lover, Mass Murderer, Poisoner, Scumbag, Serial Killer, Survivor, Witch, Witch Doctor