False Claiming

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False Claiming is a term used to describe a tactic frequently employed by the Mafia, Neutral Roles, and even (less often) Town members. The basic idea is for a player to claim a role that they are not.

Applicable Situations

False Claiming is one of the most basic strategies for Mafia and Evil players. Various examples include:

  • The default settings have immune to detection enabled for the Godfather and Framer. This allows them to False Claim the role of Citizen if targeted by an Investigator or Sheriff at night. Although False Claiming in this situation is usually best to avoid early in the game, it will frequently keep attention off the Godfather or Framer until late game when their claimed role becomes impossible due to known dead roles.
  • The Serial Killer frequently finds themselves being interrogated by an Investigator. The most common False Claim is Doctor. The advantage is that the Investigator will likely not reveal your claim, not wanting to risk outing a Doctor to the Mafia. Unfortunately, when it comes down to late game, it will usually become obvious that the Serial Killer lied. Under special circumstances, the Serial Killer may claim another Town role and tell the Investigator that either the Serial Killer was switched or that the Investigator was targeted by the Witch.

  • When playing in a game with Private Messages and the Sheriff and Spy have silently confirmed eachother's roles, it may be advantageous for the Spy to claim the role of Sheriff. This will keep attention (i.e. roleblocks, Arsonist dousing, blackmailing, Witch control) off of the Sheriff for at least a few nights. Unfortunately, it won't take long for the Mafia and Evil neutrals to take notice of what is really happening and may likely keep Doctorss, Bodyguards, and Bus Drivers from saving the Sheriff.

